Using Blogger Labels Properly | Life and Linda

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Using Blogger Labels Properly


I was guilty of using too many labels on my blog, when I started.  Typing in a bunch of keywords, we think is going to help.  Trust me, use at least 3 keywords.  Start thinking like categories.

Keep using them the same way....Be consistent with the spelling, whether lowercase or capital. Always separate with a comma.

   Using too many labels is like spamming it!

In Blogger, category, tags and labels are basically the same thing!
Labels are linked to certain pages, so when people do a search on your blog, they can find items, using those key words.

If you blog about recipes and food, you would start using labels like categories, for the food.
Let's just say I am writing a post about chocolate pie.  For my labels, I would use chocolate, pie, baking, or dessert.
Whenever you write another post about a pie, use similar labels.  flavor of the pie, pie, dessert
Here are some  popular categories:

For example:   soups, crockpot, salads, breakfast, lunch, appetizers, entrees, dessert,
You could break them down further if you want.
breads    cakes     pies    ice cream   chocolate

Just be consistent with the spelling! 

I would recommend not using more than 3 or 4 labels per post.  Never post without labels! 

 Labels are for people , not so much search engines.

Doing this is going to so much better for your blog.  It's being organized!

If you do this method, then you can also use your labels as pages.
Almost everyone has navigation menu under their header, sidebar or above the header.
Page Links.
By labeling our posts properly, then we can use those links for menus.

You can always go back into each posts and edit the labels.  You cannot re-name them.
Blogger has no feature for renaming, however you can delete the existing label and add a new one.
Click done and then re-publish.

I found all this out the hard way.  I am now using some labels for page searches under my drop down menu.

Labels do not help with SEO on your blog!

In case, you didn't see the post about adding a drop down  for your many labels, here it is!

Blogger- Add scroll box for archives and labels

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. I think you are just so nice to share what you know to help everyone.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Thanks for the tips, Linda. I am still learning, so appreciate new thoughts!

  3. Great tips! I wish I had known that before I first started blogging too...It took me hours to try and clean up my labels....but now doing new posts it is so much easier to pick a label...

  4. Hi Linda, This is great info. I always post with labels and learned a long time ago to use about 3-4 only plus adding my name or blog name. I found that some people only use that in searches and it helps.
    Thanks for sharing and always being so helpful.
    Have a nice weekend.

  5. Thanks for sharing this helpful information, Linda :) I truly appreciate it.

    Your new blog design looks beautiful! Hugs to you!

  6. You're so helpful, pretty lady! I hope I can remember a lot of this, but if not, I can search your blog!

  7. Thanks, Linda!

    I am going to try to figure out a drop down menu for my `what you'll find here section.


  8. I guess we're on the same wave length! That's exactly what I've been doing in the background of my blog this past weeks. It's time to simplify. I find one reason that so many labels and categories arises is that as bloggers we're not always really clear of our blog's focus and reason for being. So the exercise has been most clarifying for myself as I shake my head at how I organized things in the beginning.

    Happy Sorting... and I'll come back to see the results.


  9. This is such good advice! Thank you so much.

    Have a beautiful day!


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