Dishing It & Digging It Link Party #176 | Life and Linda

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Dishing It & Digging It Link Party #176

Hello everyone & welcome to Dishing It & Digging It. All family friendly posts are welcome. Topics include holiday decor, recipe ideas, DIY projects, fun crafts for all ages and more! 
Your host this week is:

It's been very busy lately.  Now, that Thanksgiving is behind us, it's time to concentrate on Christmas.
We had a quiet Thanksgiving dinner  here with my Mom.  My dad was too weak and tired to come over.

Black Friday- I usually stay home on those hectic days.  I hate the traffic and those long lines. I like to shop online. I did manage to talk my husband into going to one of my favorite stores, Pottery World.
They had a 30 % 0ff sale.  Remember earlier this year, I talked about wanting that patio extension table. Well, we bought it.  It extends to 132". We consider it our Christmas present.

                                         Our Black Friday

The table will replace the 6 foot glass table down by our pool featured below.
I also shared:

A Thanksgiving Table With Gourds and Birds  

Now on to the party!
Linda - Life & Linda | Facebook | Google+ Twitter 
Angie - The Freckled Rose | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter 
Christine - Rustic & Refined Facebook | Google+ | Twitter 
Vanessa - DIY 180 Facebook | Google+ | Twitter 

Let's talk about features.

Resin Obsession | Light-UP Thanksgiving Centerpiece

J Biggs Little Pieces | Thanksgiving in Blues and Grays

I am The Maven | Easy Chocolate Pecan Tart

My Life Abundant | Easy Christmas Pillow

Please share this party via social media. (Google, Twitter, etc.) Using the hashtag #DIDI

* A link back to us is NOT mandatory.
* You can link up 3 posts: Home decor, Tablescapes, Gardening, Recipes and more!

* Etsy | Amazon | Link Parties are not allowed and will be deleted.
* Please visit your fellow linkups and leave them a comment. Don't link and run!
* You are granting us permission to use photo(s) on social media for promotional purposes.

The party starts every Sunday @ 4 pm EST.
So let's get this party started!
Remember to pin from the original source and don't link and run!

Thank you Bloggers!

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Thanks for the party!

  2. Hi Linda,
    Just posted my link ups and one of them posted 3 times. #70, 71 and thought you might want to remove two of them..............I tried but couldn't figure out a way to do it.

    Hope this finds you doing well and that you had a lovely Thanksgiving hon,
    Thanks for hosting this fun party..........
    and welcome to the Christmas

    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Thanks for hosting each week Linda! Have a blessed week!

  4. Thanks Linda for featuring my Thanksgiving in Blues and Grays post. It's such an honor to be featured on your lovely party.

  5. Thanks for hosting, Linda. I'm putting up the Christmas tree tonight, so I'll hop around to visit later. Have a great week.

  6. Thank you for hosting Linda, your Thanksgiving table with gourds and birds is just stunning, and I am envious of your Black Friday purchase, I would love to have a table like that! We are outgrowing our tables quickly as the little ones grow!

  7. Thank you for hosting this great party! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  8. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving dear friend.
    Thank you for hosting this week again.
    Have a lovely week ahead.

  9. Linda, thank you for hosting. I love seeing people like you who really know how to set a table! Reminds me of my mother. Off to check out some links!


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