December 30, 2011 | Life and Linda

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December 30, 2011

 Well, today we didn't relax.  As much as I wanted to, especially after getting rid of that nasty stomach flu.
I feel better!  Yea!  My husband and I put all of the Christmas decorations away today.  It actually looks bare around here.  I cleaned along the way.  It will take awhile to totally get rid of the glitter.  The house is clean and neat.  After that, I made Oreo Truffles.  We are going to a friend's New Years Eve party tonight and they requested Oreo Truffles.  We have a joke going on...
They are doing homemade pizzas.  They have a guy coming over and he is going to make lots of pizzas for everyone.  Our good friends just put in an outdoor kitchen, complete with an Pizza oven from Italy.

Here's the Oreo Truffles......

The red balls are Berry burst Oreos with red- Vanilla Candy Melts
The chocolate covered balls in the middle are Peanut Butter Oreo with chocolate Candy Melts.
The ones on the right are Chocolate Cream Oreos with Chocolate Candy Melts.
The recipe is:
1-( 16 ounce)  package of Oreo Sandwich cookies.....choose your flavor.
1 (8 ounce) package of Philadelphia Cream Cheese
1 Package of Candy melts....choose your color.

Crush the Oreo cookies in a ziplock bag....I use a rolling pin.
Then add  the softened Cream Cheese to the bag and squish together.  Put in the freezer for 1 hour.
Take out and form small balls....Put back in the freezer to firm up.
I put half of the Candy melts in a bowl and microwave for 1 minute.  Take out and stir until melted.  Take your Oreo Truffles out of the freezer and put toothpicks on each one.  I use a large spoon to coat the Oreos.  Set on wax paper.  I remove the toothpick before it sets up and drop a little Candy Melt coating to cover the hole...Let set up.

I made Homemade Clam chowder soup last night.  It sounded really good to me at the time.  I used Martha Stewart's recipe with some changes.
It was delicious! Here's the recipe.....

This is a project my husband did.  For quite some time, we really wanted cabinet fronts on the dishwasher and warming oven in our new Dining room.  We were told these appliances couldn't take cabinet fronts.
 After talking to a Master Craftsman who remodeled our neighbor's Great room, he told is possible!
We ordered the cabinet fronts and my husband installed them.  Don't they look great! Now, everything matches and it looks less like a  kitchen in there now.  Great job Paul!

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So, I am making this a small post, due to I have to rest my back a little and then get ready for the party tonight.
Happy New year everyone!  I welcome 2012.  Stay healthy....
Hugs to all...
I am linking up with the following blogs.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. I love the remodel. Wonderful job! Thank you for sharing the recipes.
    Happy New Year! Pat

  2. The dining room is beautiful! Your cabinetry is very similar to mine. The clam chowder sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful New Year! Blessings from Bama!

  3. outdoor pizza oven...wonderful! Those oreo truffles look yummers. Come by for a New Year's Eve sing along...

  4. Oh I can't wait to try that clam chowder, the fish market near us has fresh clams and I didn't have a recipe, great job on the cabinet fronts, they look wonderful.

  5. Happy New Year Linda!
    Your oreo truffles look so good! I'm still not home and living in a hotel room so I can't make them yet- but I will!
    I hope the pizzas were terrific and that you had a great time! I am glad to hear you are better from that flu.
    Happy New Year, Liz

  6. Linda, Your R & R inspires! Those kitchen cabinets look beautiful in a kitchen that you obviously use and love (what's not to love?). Your friend's party with pizza chef sounds like an awesome idea. Hope you took pictures and will post about that pizza oven. Thanks for linking up! Happy 2012! ~CJ

  7. Glad you're feeling better Linda. What a time to have the flu!! Your cabinets add the finishing touch to your already beautiful dining room. Love it. And your recipes for clam chowder and truffles both look so yummy. I can hardly wait to try them.

    Happy New Year,


  8. Hi Linda.
    Your dinning room looks beautiful with the wonderful job Hubby did for you he is so sweet. Happy you are doing better now !!! and the Clam Chowder looks so Yummy.
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful 2012 New Year.
    xxoo Diane

  9. Both your recipes look so good. I am glad you got rid of your tummy bug. You have a beautiful home. Happy New Year!

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your kitchen is wonderful! Also your soup recipe looks delicious! I will be making soup this week since it will be in the 40s in the Carolinas where I live now.

    Happy New Year!

    PS I will be having another giveaway soon, I am trying to hit my 100th follower of my blog.

  11. Your dinng room is gorgeous, very elegant! I love clam chowder and I'm so glad you sent the recipe, I will try it soon. Thank you for your lovely visit. I don't know how to get rid of this BLOGS, I don't even know how I got to do that...I'm not computed savvy, if you know how, I would love to see if I can follow your tips. Happy New Year!

  12. LINDA! My goodness you kitchen is just spectacular!

    Thank you dearest for coming to visit. I wish you the best new year!!! Anita

  13. Your DR serving area is to die for, and I am so JEALOUS!!!

    Hope your back feels better -- who wants to start a New Year with a back ache?

    Hope it was a good evening -- the Oreo truffles looks delicious.

  14. Great food preparation, Linda . . . AND clever hubby with the new cabinet fronts. It looks very professional. I hope you appreciate him LOL. Us hubbies do have our uses LOL.

    Glad you are feeling better ~ Eddie

  15. Nice blog and beautiful pictures. I'm your newest follower.


  16. Did you say that's your dining room? We are planning a remodel of our kitchen/dining area and my plans have always included a dishwasher in the dining room as well as the kitchen. I am going to go in search of more info on your remodel. Thanks for you comments on my post and for becoming a follower. Now I am a copy cat since I am following you too! Dianne

  17. Holy cow, this room is gorgeous! Love the contrast of the stonework with the warmth of the wood! andrea@townandprairie

  18. Love the fronts! Nice recipes, too. Hope you are well. Happy New Year. May all your dreams come true. xo marlis

  19. Hey there Linda! Your soup looks amazing and your kitchen... oh my gosh... its AMAZING! I would gladly cook/bake anything in that beautiful kitchen ;)

  20. Hello Linda--thanks so much for stopping by my blogsite. I look forward to our new friendship!
    Your home, and what you create within it, looks unbelievably beautiful!!!
    I could devour a healthy handful of those sweets--right after I enjoyed a great, big bowl of that yummy chowder!
    Looks terrific!
    Best, Lisa (the frenchman's wife).

  21. Great post! Gorgeous kitchen! And those truffles look to die for!!! I'm LOVING your blog and am SUPER EXCITED to be your newest follower! Thanks for stopping by It's Overflowing earlier!!! So glad to know about "Life with Linda!"

    Your newest follower and blogging buddy, Aimee

  22. Linda: You are my first new blogging friend of 2012! So glad you stopped by. I look forward to getting to know you.

    Happy New Year!


  23. Hi, Linda, thank you for stopping by my classic movie blog and for following along. It's very nice to meet you.

    I must say, your kitchen is totally beyond gorgeous!! Wow! I would love to do something like day, not now, since we're hoping to move this year.

    The Oreo truffles look quite delish. I can imagine how hard it would be to be disciplined when eating them.

    Happy new year,

  24. Thank you for joining us at Creative Monday,your kitchen is beautiful and the Oreo look great I need one now :)

  25. Hello Linda, thankyou so much for following me and leaving lovely comments. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling too well. Your home looks amazing, I love the murals.I hope 2012 is very good to you. I am now following you too. Love Linda x

  26. Hello Linda, thankyou so much for following me and leaving lovely comments. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling too well. Your home looks amazing, I love the murals.I hope 2012 is very good to you. I am now following you too. Love Linda x

  27. Hi Linda! Your dining room looks great! And, your recipes sound delicious. I do have to stop eating the goodies now, enough is enough! Thanks for stopping in and I look forward to reading more of your posts.
    Happy New Year!

  28. Hi Linda, Hope you are feeling better. Great Job on the cabinet fronts! You have beautiful cabinetry and I love the stone! Thank you for being a follower. Happy 2012 XO Cindy

  29. Wow, that is one gorgeous kitchen! And no small job. High five to your husband.

    Happy, happy New Year to you and your husband.

  30. Linda, Thank you so much for visiting and joining me over at Living Life. You have a lovely blog and a fabulous kitchen. I have just arrived home from the beach. I will be back to visit more in the next few days. Thanks, and Happy New Year! Bonnie

  31. It looks wonderful! I would love to have that!
    I hope you are feeling better!

  32. Thank you for visiting my blog. You gave me the chance to meet you and the beautiful space you have created here. Your husband made quite an effort and that sure shows. Your dining room looks very elegant! Also you have some very interesting recipes here! I would like to wish to you a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year full of love and health!

  33. Hi Linda!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower!!! Love your blog!! Your brunch table is gorgeous! I love dishes and table settings! I'm your newest follower!!


  34. Sounds like an easy and fun recipe with the Oreos. thank you for sharing it. I'll give it a try. Cherry Kay

  35. You have a very beautiful house.
    I love those truffles.
    Happy New Year to you!

  36. Hi Linda, what a great post, truffles, chowder and a killer kitchen! wonderful - thanks so much for visiting my blog and I'm so happy to find yours and to follow you. All the best for 2012!
    Mary x

  37. Thank you for visiting my blog. The oreo truffles sound amazing! The cabinetry in the dining room is lovely!

  38. What a beautiful room!! That cabinetry is just gorgeous. All that food sure does look good too.

  39. Hi Linda, thanks so much for sharing those delicious recipes and also your dining room looks fabulous. Happy New Year. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  40. Sorry "the bug" got you, and hope you are much better. The chowder looks good. Your dining room is so pretty!!
    Thanks for stopping by. Yes - Thank goodness there are more good than bad in the world.
    Wishing you a wonderful New Year!


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