Spring has Sprung! | Life and Linda

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Spring has Sprung!

We are getting lots of rain....Yea!   We need it badly.  Our Wisteria is blooming beautifully.
Everything is so green and pretty.  I love Spring. 

Our pondless waterfall off our Family room.  We get to enjoy the view and the sound of running water in the warm weather.
This is off our study.  Lots of rain and a few leaves.

Here's the front of our house.  Everything looks so green and fresh.  It was raining a little while I was taking these photos.

Isn't this Japanese Maple beautiful?  It's right by the waterfall creek.
Another shot of the front of the house.  You can see the balcony to our master bedroom above.  It overlooks the creek waterfall below with lush landscaping.
 These are Yellow Bank Roses that bloom every  Spring, around my birthday.  I love them.  I planted them years ago along the fence.

Wisteria, Lavender and Rosemary

More Japanese maples by our back Koi pond.

This is my birthday present from my cousin and her mom.
Isn't she sweet?  She looks perfect sitting there by the waterfall. She is holding a butterfly.
This is our backyard....Lots of trees.
These steps go down to the pool.  I am standing halfway down taking this shot

Ok, I just wanted to share some  spring time photos of our yard.  Stay dry!  Thank you for visiting.  Enjoy the week-end.
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About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. What beautiful gardens and property, Linda. I love the pondless waterfall. And the statue of the young girl is so lovely. xo

  2. So beautiful what are the white bushes on the steps leading to pool . I just love how your home has all the trees and lush greenery.

  3. Hi linda.
    Wow your garden is beautiful !! I love your Birthday present this was so sweet of them. You know I love your Wisteria, mix with the Lavender and Rosemary the smell must be Heavenly.. Your Wisteria is so beautiful now it is blooming!!! This would be a great place for a Tablescape Linda.I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend.
    XXOO Diane

  4. I love that your landscaping creates separate outdoor rooms! The waterfall is so natural and delightful, too. ~ Maureen

  5. What a glorious home and property....Hey Linda, I just subscribed via email.
    Looking forward to more beautiful posts!

  6. P.S....I have a "lady" similar to yours on my upper back porch!...Love yours in the garden!

  7. Your garden is gorgeous! I do believe you must have a green thumb.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  8. Hi Linda! Thank you for stopping by my blog and being a follower. I thought my wisteria was pretty..oh my...I don't know what state you are in but your wisteria makes mine look like baby wisteria. It is truly BEAUTIFUL! All though, mine is still yet coming around...Your home and yard is stunning! You're a very talented lady! I will be checking in often....From one sweetie to another....Roxie

  9. Oh.my.goodness. WHAT a beautiful home and post this is!!! I am just soaking in all those beautiful pics!

    Thanks for your kind comment. Looking forward to getting to know you through the world of blog!

  10. Yuur house and gardens are gorgeous!! I have no idea where you live, but here in Florida we sure could use some of your rain!!


  11. Oh Linda, your property is gorgeous! I love all the plantings etc. I ahven't seen a GREEN Japanese Maple since the one we had at our house growing up! We have 4 red weeping ones here. I wioll miss all our beautiful bushes in the new house but will have fun planting new things! XO, Pinky

  12. Your home is truly gorgeous! All the lush greenery makes it a real paradise. The birthday statue is just perfect!

  13. YOur home and gardens are marvelous! That wisteria is incredible! You must love where you are!!! Visiting you was like taking a little vacation!

  14. I agree with Yvonne visiting here is like a mini vacation! Everything is so lush- and the new little girl statue is adorable! Your view from the master suite is fabulous! The smell from some of these blooming shrubs must be wonderful! Your walkway down to the pool is so pretty- what a lovely estate you have! You have a great weekend too!

  15. a stunning wisteria and I love your house and gardens, your birthday present look so right where you have placed her

  16. LOL I just read an article on HGTV.com about backyards inspired by boutique resorts. Your home could have been in that article. SO pretty! :D


  17. Everything looks so lush & beautiful! It won't look like that around here until July!

  18. Linda your yard is amazing, it is beautifully landscaped. We have had rain here in California too. Love it and it is so good for the plants. Thank you for our visit today,

  19. Everything is beautiful Linda. Those yellow Roses are really lovely and look great down that fence line. Love you Japanese Maples. Mine was also affected by freeze but I think it will be ok. You have so many wonderful things going on there.

    Cher Sunray Gardens

  20. I especially love the Japanese Maples and yellow roses. A belated happy birthday to you.

  21. You have a lovely yard. I love the steps to the pool with the flowers on both sides. Gorgeous!

  22. What a beautiful garden with gorgeous plant material. Everything is so lush and verdant. Love the Japanese maple!

  23. Your yard is dreamy. I love Wisteria and you have something I have wanted for a long time; a pondless waterfall. My husband is a landscaper and he does this stuff, but you know the store of the cobblers kids.... Thanks for you comments. Nice to meet you. Dianne

  24. Your home is beautiful and the yard & garden is too. I like the birthday gift you received. It fits right in.

  25. Linda, your home and landscaping are very beautiful. There is so much beauty that it is difficult to choose a favorite area or thing but I really like the yellow roses and the girl statue. I'm sure your home and yard bring you much pride and happiness. Feel free to show them at Your Cozy Home Party Mon. at 8 if you would like. -------Shannon

  26. Oh all I can say is WOW. that is the sort of garden that I used to aspire to. I'll just have to join your followers and live through yours! Joan

  27. What a lovely setting. I love your Japanese Maples - thanks for sharing.

  28. Linda, Thanks for your visit and nice comments. Your home is lovely. Gorgeous landscaping!

  29. What a beautiful yard you have! The wisteria is glorious. Here in northern Illinois, we still have tulips and bleeding hearts blooming.

  30. Your home & gardens are gorgeous. Everything is so lush and green -- so pretty.

    Thank you, Linda, for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment. I truly appreciate it.

  31. What a beautiful garden you have. It looks like heaven!


  32. Linda, what an amazingly beautiful space!! Your landscape is just gorgeous! How wonderful to live in such a lovely setting! The wisteria is awesome! I love it all!

  33. Hello - I am so sorry about getting back to your so late. I appreciate your comment.

    And I must tell you - going thorough your pictures of your home - was such a delight! You have a lovely - very inviting home! It is gorgeous and so serene. Love the flowers too.


  34. I am oohing and aahing as I borwsw through your yard photos, Linda. Everything is so gorgeous. Love the waterfall and your trees and plants are so lush. Beautiful wisteria and I love the yellow bank roses. I'll have to find some to plant along my fence too.

  35. I'd never leave home. Beautiful! Cherry Kay

  36. Oh, all is beautiful in your post. Love the house and the outdoor images, the wisteria looks great and couldn't believe those were yellow roses. Love the new statue you received as a present too. Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog. I am your newest follower, hope you can do the same.

  37. WOW!! Gorgeous photos!! I love Spring too!

  38. The wisteria is stunning. That has to be the most gorgeous, lush Japanese maple I have ever seen!

  39. What a magnificent garden - absolutely gorgeous!!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your nice comment.

  40. Wow! Gorgeous flowers and gardens. I'm in the north east and we are just starting to see some spring flowers.


  41. Lovely shots - I especially like your wisteria - and wasn't that lilacs not lavender I spotted? Lilacs are my favorites.

  42. Your home and landscape are so beautiful. The perfect example of why "There's no place like home". Wisteria, lavender, and rosemary...Three of my favorite things. Just lovely!



  43. Your gardens are spectacular!!!

    Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  44. Your yard and flowering plants are just beautiful and so is your house. What a lovely gift of the fairy! We are just barely getting some blossoms!

  45. Hi again Linda---- I know I was here before, but I just wanted to come again to thank you for sharing your lovely garden and home at my party. Have a wonderful week!

  46. Oh Linda,
    You have me ooohing and aaahing :-) Your home is absolutely beautiful. Spring has certainly sprung alright :-) Pictures are amazing. Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  47. Your garden is lovely! Purple is my favorite color. Love your flowers!

  48. Very beautiful! I love Wisteria! I had a tree and a vine at our Highland home. Our son bought the home so I still get to see their gorgeous blooms. We have not planted one at our Alpine home yet, but definately will sometime. Yours is stunning! Your entire landscape is simpy gorgeous!

  49. Whoa! What a rockin' house!!!!!!!! I love the front of it...heck, I love ALL of it!!!! Your landscaping is just gorgeous! Would you please tell my husband to get crackin'??? His old Forrest Gump butt doesn't care about anything but the grass!

  50. Oh my gosh, Linda...your yard & landscaping are just FABULOUS!! I loved seeing your wisteria...its color reminds me of our lilacs that bloom about the same time.

    I agree with Cherry Kay...I'd never leave home!!
    Just beautiful, Honey. You are truly blessed to live in such a gorgeous place.


    p.s. I you DO plant some tomatoes this year, try putting some crushed egg shells down deep in the hole before you put the plant in. It adds needed calcium to the soil & prevents lots of bad things from happening to your fruits.

  51. What a gorgeous garden! I can't get over how beautiful your Lady Banks is on the fence. Just lovely.

  52. Your garden is beautiful Linda. I sure wish I could grow wisteria here. Yours is amazing!


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