Our 2012 Fair Performance | Life and Linda

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Our 2012 Fair Performance

I wanted to share our clogging group's performance at the fair.  It was extremely hot and we had to dance in the full sun. I think it was 103°.  I am not sure why we didn't melt.  We are glad it's over and look forward to performing when it's cooler.  We have another performance scheduled in October.
We have new costumes again this year.  You can see them in the video below. The look is from the swing era. I think they make us look heavy.  They weren't custom made to fit.  Jane got them from her tap dancing group.  This particular dance is Mr. Pinstripe Suit.  The music is by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy.
In the video, I'm the blonde in the center in the front line.  I wore my hair up, thinking it might be cooler.

   The concrete was difficult to dance on too.  The video should open up in your browser.  Depending on everyone's internet, it might have to load.

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
Just sharing a part of my life.  I hope you enjoy!
Thank you for visiting.....

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Amazing!
    You are fabulous. You all are, even in the less nice conditions... can imagine how wonderful would your dance look on a more professional stage.
    You dance with your whole body and smile all the way. Fun and loving as usual.
    Thank you for sharing. Happy Sunday!

  2. That was great. I noticed that you all have STOCKINGS on!!!! THa makes you eve hotter! YUCK! Hope the next show is in cooler weather.

  3. You are dancing in 103 temps! I can't believe you could do such a great job under those conditions1 ~ Maureen

  4. Linda, what fun, you looked amazing. What a fabulous way to keep fit. How you all managed to dance in such heat, I do not know, but I'm glad you did as I really enjoyed the performance. Best Wishes Daphne

  5. What fun ... very enjoyable way to keep in shape. Dancing in the heat must have been very tiring, but your team does not show it. Enjoyable.
    Thanks for vising Timeless Treasures and leaving a nice comment.
    Audrey Z.

  6. great group, really lovely. hugs Alessandra

  7. Ohhh! What a great performance! How fun! You ladies didn't act like you were hot, but I know you had to be!!! Wow! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Linda, That looks like sooo much fun...and a lot of hard work. Y'all are really good and look like you're having a blast. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I'm following you right back.
    Hope you're having a great Sunday,

  9. Wow Linda!! That looked like so much fun! But must have been dreadful in that heat. You all did amazing and I had fun watching the video!
    Great Job!!
    Debbie :)

  10. Wow...that was some hot weather...you are the best! Amazing!

  11. Oh my gosh, you are so adorable! That looks like so much fun!!! I love to dance. I guess I don't know what clogging is, that looks similar to tap. Yes, the day looked hot but didn't slow you guys down. I'm so glad you shared.

  12. Hi Linda! Thanks for sharing the video! You did a great job, dancing in that heat! Just glad you didn't have the humidity to go along with it! I can imagine it was hard dancing on that concrete! No wonder your legs are so strong! Blessings from Bama!

  13. Wow girls, you all look like a bunch of young gals dancing away in the heat! How fun and how terrific, I'd love to join you guys! I bet you lost a little weight from all the sweating in the heat! Amazing dear Linda, yo are some special girl. Thank you for sharing and for your lovely visit. Enjoy your week.

  14. Oh, that is so cool. I wondered what clogging was when you mentioned it. This looks like fun!
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  15. Love the corn cakes recipe, Linda, and I loved the dancing video...so cute!! That sure keep you girls in shape.

  16. Very nice, Linda. Not real familiar with clogging...loked a lot like tap..still, lot's of fun I bet!!!

  17. Linda, what an amazing performance. I can tell you were the star of the show, really! Your enthusiasm shone through all the heat. What wonderful choreography. Great job to all.

  18. That was really good, Linda! I would have melted straight away in that heat, though. How on earth could you possibly concentrate in 103 temps??? You guys were real troopers to say the least! And in pantyhose!!!! Yikes!!! Great job! It looks like fun and I'm sure it's wonderful exercise!!!

  19. Hi, I finally got my computer to play the video after many attempts. You girls are absolute dolls, and did a great job. Even my hubby checked ya'll out. What fun ya'll must have doing this.

  20. Wow, y'all can really dance! Don't know how you stood the heat, but the dancing was great! Mary

  21. Love looking through your blog. I noticed in your profile right away about the clogging---and thought it was so darn cool! I loved reading this post. I can't imagine dancing in that kind of heat. I think you're right...I'm not sure how y'all didn't melt!?


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