Woohoo! Guest posting At Cozy Home Scenes | Life and Linda

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Woohoo! Guest posting At Cozy Home Scenes

Hello friends......I am  doing a featured guest post over at Shannon's Cozy Home Scenes for Paws and Claws Pet Day. 

She offers this post on Fridays.  She asked if I wanted to write a guest post about our dogs.  We love our doggies so much, as they are a big part of our family.  I was happy to oblige.
Be sure to visit  Shannon's blog -  Cozy Home Scenes.   She has the cutest blog with plenty of ideas for crafts, recipes, even pet safe recipes, decor and more.

You can  then see more of Sasha, Chloe and Lacy.Be sure to watch the videos....
Thank you Shannon! 
 I want to also thank my fellow bloggers, family, and friends.
Don't forget to check out my Giveaway.  You can click here
The winner will be announced next Wednesday.

Here's a house I love! Enjoy!  It's good to dream.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Adorable dogs! You did a great job on your guest post. ~ Maureen

  2. I just finished your post at Shannon's, and loved it!

  3. Oh what a cute post! Nothing like some snow to perk up the playfulness of a dog! Sasha is adorable in the pool too! Lacy is a cute hippie! Chloe looks like she's full of vinegar!! Love the gator! That's a fun way to get around!

  4. I love happy dogs! Your pups hopping about in the snow just made me smile!

  5. Hi Linda ;o) Thanks for coming by my blog and following it as well ;o) I love your puppies so much! I love animals ;o) All the best ;o)

  6. Beautiful doggies. They look ever so cute!

  7. Hi Linda,
    Thanks for coming by. It's been a long time since I have stopped by for a visit. I feel bad. I have so many blogs I follow (I love following) and I don't often get to visit as I should. It would be nice to dedicate one day just to visit everyone. I think I need to do that! Love the faces on those cute doggies..and I don't like to miss post's like this..very nice..

  8. "We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults. Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment."
    ~George Eliot

    Everything so lovely and lovable. Thank you for sharing!

  9. Hi Linda, your puppies are sooo cute! Love the way Chloe romps in the snow...so full of energy. Great job on the guest post.
    Debbie :)

  10. Hi Linda....I saw your schnauzers....and then i saw you are an Ovarian Cancer survivor and you live in Scottsdale?? I am battling OC now and for the past 6 years...praise the Lord, I am alive! Your puppies are adorable....

  11. I just went over to see your post. Adorable!!!


  12. Wow, I watched the entire video, and the home is truly stunning. Where in Scottsdale is it located? We lived at the corner of Pima and Cactus (close to it) in Mirabelle subdivision. I loved it there! It looks like it is near Troon North.

    What do you think about the LED lights in the bathroom? I am not sure I would like that, but I'd get over it for that kitchen!!!

    Enjoy your weekend!



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