Working on My Blog | Life and Linda

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Working on My Blog

Hello Bloggers...Pardon my mess while I work on my blog.  I am changing things around, so please be patient if you are visiting while this craziness goes on.  Thanks for understanding!

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Hi Linda, Good luck with switching things around; I always have to have my daughters do it for me.
    Happy Autumn.

  2. Well, this is your house and

    "A friend is the only person you will let into the house when you are Turning Out Drawers. ~Pam Brown"

    So go for it. Looking forward to see wht you come up with.


  3. I can't wait to see what it looks like when you've tidied up :)

  4. Please tell me how you moved your Blogroll. I want to do that so bad and can't figure it out!

  5. Can't wait to see what you are up to!!

  6. Good job Linda, I love changing my header on my blog. Have fun.


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