Love is Tweet! | Life and Linda

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Love is Tweet!

Being Valentine's Day, I thought I would make some special treats for the birds.
I try to  always have bird feed on hand.  I enjoy watching the birds
I decided to make some special treats for them.  Heart shaped bird seed ornaments, which you can hang on a tree or post.
Perfectly safe and the birds will really enjoy them.


3/4 cup Birdseed, I bought my bag at Target for under $10.00

1 small packet of Know Gelatin


1/4 cup of water

Heart shaped Whoopie Pie Pan

In a saucepan, add the gelatin and the water together.
Simmer until dissolved. 
Cool slighty

Add the Birdseed to the cooled pan.  Mix until the Birdseed
is thoroughly mixed.

I then filled the heart shaped whoopie pie pan half-way.
I added a piece of twine in a loop.
Fill the rest of the cavity with mire Birdseed mixture.  
Press down to flatten.
Use the back of a spoon.

 Let set up!  They pop out of the pan easy.
I popped mine out after 2 hours.

It's best to let it dry thoroughly.  3 days.
You can hang them on a dowel somewhere.

These are also great wedding favors.
I quadrupled this recipe to make alot.

Here's some labels for you.

My husband and I are on a diet, so NO chocolates for us.
  We are going to see a movie and come back and have a salad. 
 Have a wonderful Valentine's Day.
Enjoy this special day with your loved ones. 
I am joining the following blogs:
Tutorials, Tips and Tidbits @ Stone Gable Blog
Share Your Cup Thursday @ Jann Olson
Wow us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style 
Centerpiece Wednesday @ The Style Sisters
What's It Wednesday @ Ivy and Elephants 
Favorite's Things Thursdays @ Katherine's Corner 
Not one of the Cool Kids @ Katie Treasures

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Well aren't the kindest Valentine!!!
    They're adorable...........
    We're going to a movie too - The Silver Linings Playbook - can't wait!
    Have a heart filled day!

  2. What a great idea! Have a wonderful time at the movies!!

  3. Hi Linda! You are the tweetest one! :) This is such a great idea and I hope the birdies like those sweet hearts! Have a fun evening.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  4. This is adorable. What a sweetie you are. Kiwi and Pearl want to fly right over to your house! I told them it is a little too far ;-) xo

  5. I love, love, love this idea. You are one creative gal! What a great post.
    Happy Valentine's Day Linda...........

    The French Hutch

  6. This is a really cute idea! I love it and am pinning it. :) Happy Valentine's Day.

  7. Really cute idea, Linda. I have made them using lard but never with the gelatin. Great idea- xo Diana

  8. Hi Linda-
    What a super cute idea!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  9. Hi Linda. That is so 'tweet' of you to think of our little feathered friends. What movie are you seeing? Have fun and Happy Valentine's Day..Judy

  10. Darling bird seed hearts. They would be so much fun to make as a project with the kids or grands. Lucky birds.

  11. Linda, Wow!!! I am so excited to make these one day! I love bird watching too!! I am thinking of all the possibilities I have so many different shaped pans.. Thanks so much for sharing. This was my favorite post of the day seriously!!!!

  12. What a tweet idea, Linda! I want to make some right now!! Happy ❤ Day!!

  13. Dearest Linda,
    What a lovely bird seed hearts♡♡♡ We need to be on a diet but had a much sweet(^^;)
    Hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  14. Adorable post! We love to feed the birds and may have to do this. Today my hubs and I spent a romantic day cleaning up fine white dust from everywhere after the drywallers and painters left. We were so tired we had chicken soup and now watching Idol! So romantic, I know!

  15. Thst's very sweet of you to think of the birds....hope you had a lovely V Day!

  16. I haven't been to a movie for weeks...hope you had a wonderful time!

  17. So so clever using the Whoopie pan for heart shapes! Imagine the possibilities!

  18. What a great idea. Living on a farm we have a lot of birds and feed them all. Sometimes the little guys get left out this will be perfect for them.


  19. My Mom and Dad are bird lovers. My mom would go nuts for this!

  20. What a "tweet" post! How kind of you to think of our feathered friends! So sweet. Thanks for sharing with us.

  21. Wonderful post! IT would be fun to try these sometime. I hope you have a great weekend and thank you so much for visiting my blog today (pictimilitude). :)

  22. What a fun way to show the birds a little love Linda. I have covered pinecones with peanut butter and rolled in bird seed but the hearts are so sweet. Hope you had a wonderful Valentines. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  23. Happy Belated Valentine's Day! ♥

  24. Hi Linda.
    This was so sweet of you to do this for the Birds.Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my Tablescape, hoping you have a wonderful weekend with your family.
    Thanks one more time for your help with my photos.
    XXOO Diane

  25. That is just "too cute"!
    Love it!

  26. this is a tweet post, giggle. Sorry I'm late getting here...thank you for adding your wonderful blog to the Thursday Favorite Things hop. xo

  27. Would u like to follow each other on Gfc,Fb or Twitter?

    My blog


  28. I too enjoyed making little bird treats.
    It's nice to meet you:)

  29. So nice of you to feed the birds, Linda. These are darling, and I'm sure the birds around your house just love them. What a clever idea.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  30. Awww, I be the birds loved your "tweet" treat!
    Thanks so much for visiting!!!
    Have a GREAT weekend...

  31. Linda, I love the little bird "cookies". What an adorable post! I hope you had a great Valentine's Day!

  32. Those are adorable. I had no idea that those little birdie cakes had gelatin in them. Have a great time at the movies.
    Thanks for linking up to Not One Of The Cool Kids.

  33. What a cute idea. I love it.


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