Bring on the Color! | Life and Linda

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Bring on the Color!

I love our plum trees.  I just wish the color would last longer. I have been doing a little yard work, here and there
 A few daffodils have come up.

This is the walkway to our house. To the left, is our front door.
 It  also winds around to the gate.
I hope all of you are getting some sunshine.  I am ready for Spring.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Gorgeous, Linda!!! Aren't we lucky? The weather has been amazing!! I was just looking out at my flowering blossoms! So pretty! Love this time of year! Your yard is so pretty!

  2. Wow Linda, this is beautiful! I didn't realize this is what plum trees looked like in bloom. Makes me want to plant one. :)

    Thanks for sharing your pretty spring colors with us. Unfortunately, it's cold and gray here in N.C. today. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  3. Linda,

    I just love these pink trees. I see them around my area alot. Your walkway is just beautiful. Happy Friday.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  4. So beautiful....I LOVE how you sign your name at the end of the post...that is precious.

  5. Oh Linda you know I'm jealous! Those are just stunning! Lucky you! I bought tulips today because I'm anxious to see spring flowers! Your daffodils look great!

  6. Beautiful...we have not yet started blooming for spring.

  7. Hi Linda, your garden are so beautiful the weather is very nice in California, I miss a lot California and the flowers.
    Spring is precious there.
    enjoy youre day!

  8. Hi Linda.
    Your Plum Tree is Gorgeous with all the blooms. We have a Red Bud Tree almost like yours. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    XXOO Diane

  9. Hi Linda! Those trees are so beautiful along the walkway! The landscaping is so pretty, too! We're not quite where you are in Spring, but it won't be long! Thanks for sharing! Have a nice weekend! Blessings from Bama!

  10. Linda,
    I'm with you~I'm so ready for Spring to get here too. Just wishing my life away, huh?
    Beautiful tree that you get to admire right out your from door. We have a few trees blooming, so I know that Spring will be here soon. Can't wait!
    Have a fabulous weekend,

  11. Linda, you wowed me again! That is such a gorgeous plum tree. . Your walkway is so beautiful! I love it. .

  12. I am SOOOO jealous. NOTHING blooming here, no flowers, no flowering trees, NOTHIN:( Love your pictures!!!!!!

  13. Your tress are so beautiful!

    I am ready for spring too!

    =) Brooke

  14. I love plum trees, we had some at our old house. Everything looks lovely!!! We are still in the dead of winter here....

  15. That tree is divine. I bet you love catching a glimpse of it. :) We're anxious for warmer weather here in Oklahoma City!


  16. Your front garden is gorgeous! The plum trees are so pretty.

  17. We are still skiing here, but I always look forward to Spring. The plum tree is lovely, and I agree that it would be nice if the blooms would last longer.

  18. Love these spring pictures. Your walkway and gate are gorgeous! Thanks for the happy to have found you and be following along.

  19. What beautiful blooms on your flowering plum tree, Linda! We are seeing signs of spring here in Texas. However, I went to a soccer game this morning and it was freezing outside!! Brrrrr!! My feet are still trying to warm up. Happy weekend. xo

  20. I'm totally with you! SO ready for Spring! We HAD daffodils on the way up until we got dumped on with 20+" of snow in a 7 day period!!!! I'm sure they're quite dead now! Your yard is looking beautiful! I love the gate!

  21. How wonderful, Linda, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Such beautiful blooms.
    Have a fantastic weekend.

  22. Hi Linda,
    The color and flowers are so pretty around your house. Everything here is still under the snow. I do like my snow but I think I am ready for Spring. Gina

  23. Linda, I am in love with plum trees as well! What a fabulous walkway you have. Have a wonderful weekend and have a picnic outside on your beautiful walkway!

  24. Ohhhh, so pretty Linda! I can't wait for spring either! Especially this year! Last May, I was hit with Bell's Palsy, total paralysis of the right side of my head, neck and face. I am now 9+ months into recovery and hope to enjoy spring and summer this year, because I barely remember last year!!

    Jan ♥

  25. Dearest Linda,
    Oh, your plum tree is amazingly beautiful and your yard is really gorgeous♡♡♡ 
    Our small white one is in full bloom now as well.
    I felt a bit warm under the sun today(*^_^*) Hope spring is just around the corner.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  26. Hi Linda,

    Such beautiful property around your home! The trees are gorgeous and such a lovely color. Despite the mild winter Seattle has had I think our spring is a ways off. I get worried doing any gardening because if I do .. we might have a random snow or ice storm.

    Happy weekend!

  27. Wow Linda - how spectacular!!!
    I would just sit on the stoop and stare at that all day!
    Gorgeous curb appeal - lucky you!

  28. So so ready for Spring... I thought it had arrived during the weekend and did some puttering around the garden but today Winter says "not so fast" and with a mean streak ahahah
    Your plum trees are beautiful and do call for more blooms and flowers around.

    Thank you for sharing!

  29. Just gorgeous! The colors of nature just can't be beat. It's cold here one day, wind blowing horribly and then we have an 88' day. Only in Texas!

    I've been under the weather and have missed your posts. Trying to get back in the swing of blog land.


  30. what a stunning walkway and the blossoms on the plum tree are absolutely lovely!! Is this decorative or does it produce fruit as well?


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