Birthday Wine Tasting Tour | Life and Linda

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Birthday Wine Tasting Tour

If you click the arrow, it will play the song, Lodi by Creedence Clearwater.
It was my husband's idea to use  this perfect song for this outing.

One of my girlfriends just had a birthday April 11th. My birthday was April 1st. She invited a small group of Ladies to go wine tasting in Lodi.  Most of us have never been to Lodi, so it was a treat to see this cute small town.
There are many wineries there.

We started the tour at the Birthday Girl's house.  The limo arrived at 10:00 am.

Leslie, the Birthday girl.

Leslie, at home by her garden.
We packed up some champagne, OJ, water and snacks for the venture.  I even made two kinds of chocolate brownies.

Can you find me?

Our first stop was Van Ruiten Winery

Michael David Winery
It was a nice place with a small restaurant , fresh produce and baked goods

Jeremy Wines.  Nice couple, who own Jeremy Wines. They were so warm and friendly and extremely knowledgeable.
Leslie and Shelly

Lunch at the Lodi Beer Company.
This guy jumped in the picture with us, because he said we needed a man in the photo with so many women...LOL

Lunch time.......

This guy showed up with  3 bottles of wine.
Actually his wine was the best of the day.

This is Berghold Winery, which  was the prettiest with
beautiful fountains, patio and gorgeous wine tasting room with fabulous gifts.

A fun day with the girls.

I just finished another blog design.  Go check out Jacqueline's 
Purple Chocolat Home
Jacqueline was a pleasure to work with and she has the most amazing recipes.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. What a fun day! I love to visit wineries and this one looks very nice!

  2. What a great day! So many pretty ladies!!

  3. Wow, Linda, what a great way to celebrate your birthdays! Those places al looked fabulous. I love the stretch limo, stress-free "tasting" and no driving! lol xo

  4. Happy Belated Birthday Linda! You ladies know how to celebrate your birthdays!

  5. Looks like it was a great day, so much fun. Happy Belated Birthday!

  6. My birthday is in December. I've got plenty of room in the drive for a limo. Ha! You guys know how to celebrate a birthday!

  7. What a fun day, fabulous way to celebrate your birthdays! Looks like everyone had a great time. :)

  8. Awww Happy Belated Birthday, dear Linda! You and your friends sure know how to celebrate! What fun times and of course, I spotted your pretty face in the limo! Cheers to all of you! I love the song your hubby chose.

  9. Oh my word, that looks like fun! Girlfriend time and wine!! Way to go!

  10. How ABSOLUTELY FUN!! You all look fantastic...perfect day.
    Happy birthday to Linda.

  11. Looks like everyone had a blast! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Good Afternoon Linda, Happy belated look like you and your friends had a wonderful time. Oh yes, it was very easy to spot you in the always look so fabulous. Have a lovely Sunday. Best Wishes Daphne

  13. You guys are rally stylin'! No wonder the fellas kept hopping in the pictures!

    A limo, champagne, and everything...THAT'S the way to spend a birthday! I love the look of those wineries, especially the last one.

    So glad you guys had a good time, and happy birthday to you both!!!

  14. Thsi is a wonderful idea!!! I share a birthday with my best friend in August and am going to suggest this to her. FUN!!! BTW, you look fabulous! XO, Pinky

  15. I love wine tasting! How fun, and perfect for a birthday party with friends!

    =) Brooke

  16. What a fun idea! You all look like you are having so much fun with each other..great times and wonderful memories!
    Linda, you gave me a thought, believe it or not, we have a winery about 30 miles from us and that would be so much fun.

  17. Looks like a lot of fun to me! You look fabulous! Leslie makes you look short and I know you aren't! The limo looks like a nice way to go celebrating!

  18. Looks like a fabulous day! Visting wineries and riding in a limo, so much fun!! =)
    Love the photos!

  19. I hope you had a blast! Looks like such a fun time...especially having the limo. You can "taste" all you want without being a designated driver. :)
    Belated Happy Birthday! My dad's birthday was 4/11.

    P.S. LOVE Jacqueline's blog! She is amazing ~

    1. Thanks Pat, we did have a great time. Jacqueline's blog has no many lovely recipes. XO Linda

  20. I love wine tasting and the vineyards are always so beautiful. Looks like you ladies had lots of fun! Happy Belated Birthday, LInda...

  21. Linda, your birthday is just 2 days before mine. I know you had a grand time and in style at that. Thanks for sharing the fun and you've given me a great idea!

  22. Happy Birthday, looks like you had a fabulous time x

  23. I have a daughter and three sisters who would have loved so much to be a part of your day! It looks like so much fun.

  24. Linda, This looks like so much fun! Good for you (all!) for doing something fun to celebrate. A great looking group and I'm sure you made lots of fun memories!


  25. Looks like a great time. Happy belated birthday.

  26. Hi Linda! I wish you a belated Happy Birthday! What a wonderful time you gals must have had! That was a fancy fancy day! Love your pretty snaps and I picked you out right away. You are a beautiful woman with a beautiful smile! I know y'all made sweet memories. Love your pretty header too with you peeping around the corner! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  27. What a bunch of great ladies and you look gorgeous Linda! How fun to be wine teasting, and the place looks wonderful! The birthday lady looks very happy and pretty too. Thanks for sdharing and for dropping by darling. Loving your new header.

  28. OMG! I didn't get something my friend...was it YOUR BIRTHDAY TOO!!! I thought it was Leslie's only! Anyway, you look one year younger and prettier sweet Linda! Big hugs,

  29. What a fun get togetherr and outing with the girls! Belated Happy birthday, Linda!...Christine

  30. What a fun fun day! She won't forget that birthday. You girls know how to do it right. I love the limo pictures. What pretty places too.

    Glad you loved the tablecloth - I should have mentioned it was only $24 dollars for 120 inch round so I decided to buy them for the wedding reception instead of rent - cheaper and I get exactly what I want!

  31. Linda... love, love, your blog!!! You are toooo fun. Wish you were my neighbor. Next best thing... Will be checking on your blog every day!

  32. that sounds like a cheers tour :D


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