Bloomin' Time! | Life and Linda

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Bloomin' Time!

Hello my friends, Spring is in the air again and there are so many beautiful flowers.
I wish they lasted longer.
I thought I would capture some of this beauty.

On a more personal note, here's what is going on with me.
As I've told you recently I haven't been feeling well. 
A recent visit to the doctor has revealed a mass growing in
the vaginal area.   Yes I said vagina..... 
sorry if it offends some of you. 
Some of you may know that I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 13 years ago.  I went through a complete hysterectomy and chemo treatments.  I've been in great health ever since, but this recent situation has me nervous.
I am trying to think good thought here.
I will be seeing another doctor tomorrow, and I'm sure more
tests will be done. A biopsy needs to be done and then I wait the dreaded week to get the results.
Update:  Went to the doctor today April 30th.  No biopsy was  done.  the doctor was too nervous to attempt the biopsy. She referred me to a gynecologist/oncologist.
Now, I have to wait even longer.
I can't stand the waiting.  Why won't the doctors get with the program and get me to the right doctor, do a biopsy and go from there.
Let's hope the dreaded (C) beast is not back!
I'll keep you posted about my situation, but for now I'd love for you to say a little prayer  on my behalf.

I appreciate your visit and  positive thoughts

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Oh Linda, I really don't have words, but praying hard for you, my friend! (((Hugs))) xo

  2. The beauty in the flowers you have posted here is a reflection of the beauty inside and out you possess as a person. I am so incredibly sorry to learn of this health scare, Linda, and you know that I wish you nothing but the very best as you forge ahead to do battle...whatever the scope of that battle might be. How DARE cancer try to come knockin' at the door. It had better stay away if it knows what's good for it!!!

    Much love and prayers to you. Keep us posted, please. You know you are in my heart and thoughts every day.

  3. I will defintely include you in my nightly prayers, Linds. Your beautiful spirit and strength will see you through this. I'm absolutely convinced you'll be getting nothing but positive news! Hugsssss..

  4. Oh Linda...first, thank you for being so open and honest and posting something so personal to you! Waiting is so hard. My aunt had cervical cancer twice, so I understand your concern and feelings. Please know you will be in my prayers. Know that God goes before us, he has a plan, he will see you through. (((Hugs)))

  5. So sorry to hear about what you're going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you for the best. Your faith saw you through before and it will see you through this now. Blessings for a good outcome.

  6. You have my prayers - I d wish you would let us know please. Peace for you too! sandie

  7. Well first of all I'm going to comment on your beautiful flowers and how lush everything is. I can't wait to see your wisteria blooming- it's always so fabulous!
    Every year when spring comes about and I witness nature coming alive again it gives me such a sense of optimism and it renews my faith in life.
    I can only hold your hand through the internet but you know I'm praying and rooting for you. Always keep your optimism :-)
    Hugs, Liz

  8. Linda,
    I saw your pink flower on my blog, and had to come over and see it. I'm glad that I did because I saw your news and will be saying a special prayer for you, my friend. I am thinking of you today, and may God be with you during this difficult time.

    Love you,

  9. Hey, all of us girls have a va-jay-jay/vagina so it shouldn't offend anyone. I'm hoping and praying it's just something weird and nothing to be concerned about. I am very sorry that you have all this hassle with the Drs ~ drives me nuts when this happens! I really feel that more awareness should be given to patients that need in ASAP due to this type situation. They could block out times on their calendars if need be. I am going to see who I can contact about's serious! My good thoughts and prayers will be with you and the Drs.

    The photos are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing ~ I also think that spring is a time of newness, of the earth waking up and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. I wish that for you my friend!


  10. Prayers are with you, dear, sweet Linda! Thank you for keeping us updated on your health. Love, hugs and blessings are sent from my heart to yours. xo

  11. Linda, you are as beautiful as your flowers and you have already shown you can come back again just as they do! I hate to hear this and I know the waiting worries you but, keep your beautiful face and spirit looking up. My prayers are with you!

  12. You have my prayers and tons of hugs.....(((((((Linda))))))))

    Beautiful flowers, we are just starting to get leaves on the trees!!!

  13. Linda, you will most certainly be in my prayers. I just completed treatment for cervical cancer, in February. It was very hard waiting to see my gynecology oncologist. The one who discovered my tumor wouldn't do a biopsy either and I had to wait too...My daughter gave me a scripture that helped me right away and I kept it on my lips through all of my treatment and even now, say it every will remain my strength for the rest of my life. It is Exodus 14:14..This is the way I say it to myself.."I, am fighting for you, be still". The NIV translation has it this way.."The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still".
    For me it was the most powerful thing I have ever experienced in my life.

    I will continue in prayer..Big hugs to you my friend.

  14. Why-oh-why do we have to wait for such important testing, especially when there is a history of "C"??!! I'm angry for you. Many years ago I dealt with a somewhat similar situation and I still get a jittery feeling when I remember all the waiting for tests and such. I've said a prayer for you.

  15. Linda.. I am so sorry that you are going through this. I've had my share of (female) issues and it seems that we are often left hanging, waiting, and wondering if something is growing inside.. that shouldn't be. Deep breath, take one day at a time and try to manage the stress that you must be under. A walk in your lovely garden is perfect and I hope your weather is warming up so you can enjoy some spring sunshine.

    I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.. take care of yourself..


  16. Oh no :( You will be in my prayers. I'm a cervical cancer survivor and dealing with some issues of my own too. I go to the dr Friday. I hope you get your answers soon, nothing sucks more than waiting.

  17. Waiting is the worst! Sending thoughts and prayers your way...hang in there...

  18. Hi Linda! I'm praying for you and believing that all is well! There will be no (C)!
    Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous! I love this time of year! Thanks for sharing your beauty with us! Hugs, love, and Blessings from Bama!

  19. Dearest Linda, I am praying for you. Your blooms are gorgeous, and I know you will keep us updated on your health. I will be thinking of you daily, and sending my good thoughts and God's blessings your way. xo Debbie

  20. Thank you for sharing, now you will have many more people around the world praying for you. Bless you dear, I hope your wait won't be much longer and your results will be negative.

  21. Wow, what an enchanting garden!!!Thank you for sharing this with us Linda, and thanks for the visit to my blog! Following you back!

  22. So sorry about not feeling well, Linda. Hoping the biopsy is nothing but benign. Will offer some prayers for you. Your flowers are gorgeous. What a showcase!....Christine

  23. You are always in my prayers. For happiness and lots of joyfull moments.
    Now I'll add prayers for strength - you'll need that to wait for what I believe it will be a good result - and health. And you'll conquer this one again. After all the first was in a much more delicate age and you conquered it with spades.
    Holding you hand, Dear Friend, on the times to come.
    Feel my warm hug,

  24. Linda, I'm so sorry to hear your news, not because I think there could be anything too wrong but because of the way these damn doctors handle things! It seems like you have to wait forever to get any real answers and I know it's not fun. Keep the faith and think good thoughts and will do the same at my end..Take care, Judy

  25. Linda,
    I just found your blog and I'm a new follower. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. xoxo Wendy

  26. Dearest Linda,
    Oh My!!! I really AM sorry to hear your physical situation. Yes, I DO remember in my late mother's case we also had really frustrating time with doctors...
    I'll keep you in my thoughts as well.
    How beautiful your flowers are; like you and the meaning of your name in Spanish.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  27. Oh Linda, your beautiful flowers brought me here today, only to read such sad news. I know that there is nothing that I can say that can comfort you, but you are definately in my prayers! I know that you will keep us posted, and I will keep praying for a good report.

  28. Oh Linda... So sorry to hear that you are going through such a trying time. I agree... waiting is the WORST! My daughter was very ill last year and the waiting to go to doctors and results almost killed me. I will keep you in my prayers and hope you get good news SOON.

  29. Oh my goodness, lovely Linda, your blooms are gorgeous! Oh honey, I hope you get the results soon. I'm so with you and prayers are going your way immediately, sweet friend. I'm sure the results will be benign and you will be ship shape soon! Big hugs,

  30. Dearest Linda, I'm thinking only wonderful positive thoughts, sending up many prayers, and believing only the best for you. My sister had a scare recently, too, but God is good, and His mercy prevails.
    Hugs and blessings,

  31. Oh Linda! I have said a prayer for you and will continue to pray for you. I hope everything will be just a pesky bother and nothing serious. Life just throws curveballs at us doesn't it? Keep thinking positively.

    I want to come and spend an afternoon in your lovely yard. It is perfection. We are a lot behind you here. We really haven't had a spring and I am ready for it. Those blossoms just bring joy!

  32. I hope all is well with you. You will be in my prayers. Your beautiful photos have inspired me to get back in my garden.


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