Earth Day | Life and Linda

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Earth Day

Earth Day: The History of A Movement

Each year, Earth Day -- April 22 -- marks the anniversary of what many consider the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.
The height of hippie and flower-child culture in the United States, 1970 brought the death of Jimi Hendrix, the last Beatles album, and Simon & Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water”. Protest was the order of the day, but saving the planet was not the cause. War raged in Vietnam, and students nationwide increasingly opposed it.

Much like 1970, Earth Day 2010 came at a time of great challenge for the environmental community. Climate change deniers, well-funded oil lobbyists, reticent politicians, a disinterested public, and a divided environmental community all contributed to a strong narrative that overshadowed the cause of progress and change. In spite of the challenge, for its 40th anniversary, Earth Day Network reestablished Earth Day as a powerful focal point around which people could demonstrate their commitment. Earth Day Network brought 225,000 people to the National Mall for a Climate Rally, amassed 40 million environmental service actions toward its 2012 goal of A Billion Acts of Green®, launched an international, 1-million tree planting initiative with Avatar director James Cameron and tripled its online base to over 900,000 community members.
The fight for a clean environment continues in a climate of increasing urgency, as the ravages of climate change become more manifest every day.

We are trying to do our part.  We have added solar to our home, plus we re-cycle.
My  husband has put many hours getting our garden ready.  We hope to plant soon. Stay tuned for our
garden reveal.

I hope you all are doing your part.  We need to take good care of our planet.
Thanks for visiting.  I have  been under the weather a little lately, so excuse my absence.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Linda, this is such a lovely setting! I could sit there all day! We are trying to do our part to help the environment; and we encourage our kids to do the same.

  2. Linda, what a great earth day post. I remember the first earth day, I was in high school, a sophomore. What changes since then!!! Boggles the mind. I try to do my part, with recycling, reading newspapers and magazines on line, cutting back on paper goods as much as I can, etc. Love your blue and white table. xo

  3. Hi dear Linda, I'm so sorry that you've been under the weather. I hope you're feeling much better.
    I do try to do my part in recycling and conserving water, electricity, gas, etc. I love your pretty blue and white table and I look forward to seeing your garden.

  4. We also try to do our part. We recycle ALOT, usually ahve about 3-4 bags of recyckling and 1 bag of trash each week. We, too, will be planting our new garden soon.I sure wish I could STOP the junk mail, I never even look at it, it just goes to recyckling too. Love your tablesetting. XO, Pinky

  5. Your table setting is just so welcoming and charming. That blue is very pleasing to the eye. Happy Earth Day to you, Linda!


  6. P.S. I love love love your new blog header! Who designed it?

  7. Your table setting and the area outside looks gorgeous! I can imagine sitting out there, relaxing and having something to drink.

    I think it's important to do all we can for Mother Earth. I have found that the lack of recycling here is so frustrating but then again, I'll be gone soon! Wish all the junk mail and flyers could be discontinued ~ cutting down trees for no reason.

    I hope you feel better soon! Will remember you prayer ~


  8. Linda-First of all, I am really sorry taht you haven't been feeling well. Secondly, I LOVE the looks of your blog and the header is darling.
    Also, I so remember those days that you talked about back in the 70's. How young and idealistic we were in those years...we had so many causes and what a time that was. What a difference in today's world. Blessings--this is a great post- xo Diana

  9. I did my part today, Linda.I ped a lot of vegetables...Christine

  10. Ooops, I meant "planted"

  11. What a beautiful and informative post! I'm always looking for ways to lessen my carbon footprint. It doesn't take long for the changes to become habit and I believe every little bit helps.

  12. We try to do our part and hope everyone else will as well. Feel better!

  13. Good post Linda! I wish we had more sun here because adding solar makes a lot of sense.
    I hope you are feeling better quickly. I wish I lived closer!

  14. Well Linda, that table setting is so you.......Beautiful! Can't wait to see your garden goods. That is just a way of life for us. Our neighbor just added solar panels to their home, we are very interested. I hope your under the weather comment means just a cold or allergies?? Anyhoo, I am starting all over in blogland and would love for you to stop by when your feeling better.

  15. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well, Linda! I hope you're back in the pink soon!!!

    Your tablecloth pattern is gorgeous!!! That's good medicine for the eyes! :-)

  16. Good Evening Linda, I am sorry to hear you have been under the weather, I hope you will be feeling better soon.
    We recycle all our rubbish, we have a separate dustbin for bottles, a separate dustbin for paper and cardboard, a separate dustbin for other rubbish which cannot be recycled and the gardening waste goes to the local council who turn it into compost. We cannot do this ourselves as the garden is not big enough to house a big compost bin.
    So we are trying to do our bit to help the environment. We did look into solar panels as we had these in Cyprus, but our climate here in the North East of England is really too cold.
    Take care,
    Best Wishes

  17. Beautiful blue and white Linda. I seem to just love everything with these two colors.

  18. Linda...Love your table setting. Feel better soon.


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