It must be Spring! | Life and Linda

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It must be Spring!

I love this time of year.  The flowers are blooming and everything is so fresh. My husband is working on the garden. He wants to re-do the fence.  We always have a problem with the ground squirrels.  They want to invade the garden and take off with the lettuce, etc.

Yellow Bank Roses.  I love these.  Every year, they spread and continue to cover the fence.  I want to plant some on the fence at the front.

Wisteria, lilacs, lavender and rosemary.

This is our backyard.

Our koi pond. We also have some gold fish in here.

Here's our garden space. 

I appreciate your visits and comments.  Enjoy your week-end.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Wow, you live in paradise . . . it is beautiful :)
    What a lovely place to sit and let the stress of the world float away for your mind.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  2. Hi Linda.
    Your garden is Gorgeous !!! wow and you did your blog over looks Gorgeous also. Hoping you have a wonderful weekend with your Hubby and family.
    XXOO Diane

  3. What a Beautiful Garden...I love everything about it! I could stay here all day admiring the beauty! Wishing you a Lovely Weekend!
    Loretta XO

  4. Hi Linda! I agree, what a beautiful garden! All the lilacs, lavender, roses, etc., are breathtaking! Such a nice place to call home! Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!

  5. Always beautiful! Your flowering roses and shrubs are fabulous!
    Your new blog colors look wonderful and all the details that you've added!

  6. Beautiful! I am ready to get in our garden too. And, our koi are eating us out of house and hold now that the weather has turned warm.

  7. Linda, your garden is so beautiful, lavender, lilacs and rosemary, the air must smell heavenly! Love your new header and background, too. xo

  8. Such a large and lovely area to work it Linda!

  9. Your gardens are spectacular! I do miss our mature plantings but love living here so it's a trade off. Anxious to start planting here. XO, Pinky

  10. Your garden is absolutely stunning, what a lot of work it must take to keep up. I am envious having a garden the size of a postage stamp only :(

    Lee :)

  11. Your garden is gorgeous! We have varmints too, they like what we like!

  12. Linda, your property is amazing. Looks like spring!

  13. Wow, your garden is so beautiful Linda!! Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely day!

  14. Hi dear Linda! What a wonderful l yard you have to enjoy! The scenery is heavenly and the scent must be fabulous with lilacs, lavender and rosemary. I love your pretty new header. Have a wonderful day! xo

  15. Oh Linda, your gardens and backyard are so beautiful! Looking at your photos makes me want to get out in my own yard, but it's still too chilly...too early to do much other than clean up.
    Have a great day!
    Debbie :)

  16. So beautiful and peaceful I would think. Sitting out there amidst all the wonderful fragrances would be divine. Love those climbing roses too!

    New blog design looks awesome!


  17. What fabulous gardens and views -- it must be like living in Heaven!

  18. The scents in your garden must be wonderful! Enjoy! xo

  19. Very pretty, Linda! It looks like the perfect retreat!

  20. So pretty Linda! I love the yellow roses! I am going to try and remember to plant some of those in my yard!

    =) Brooke

  21. spring and beautiful..
    liked your fish tank :P

    1. Thank you. It's actually a Koi pond outside....

  22. Thank you for sharing so much beauty, my friend, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
    I love lilacs.

  23. Your yard is so beautiful, Linda. I can imagine how fragrant it is there....Christine

  24. LInda, you have one of the prettiest gardens in blogland. Wow! Your Yellow Bank Roses are AH-mazing. You like entertaining outside (I've read some of your posts) and I know it must be a treat for your firends to come over and enjoy your garden.

    I love your feature at the top of your blog for your popular posts. :D So flipping cool!

    We went to Tuscaloosa this weekend for our daughter's sorority's Parents' Weekend....too much fun!


  25. Linda,
    Your garden is just beautiful. And the view around your home is lovely. I think I would spend alot of the day out there just enjoying the flowers and landscaping. It looks very peaceful to me.

    Have a wonderful week.



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