Poipu at Kauai | Life and Linda

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Poipu at Kauai

We had a wonderful time in Kauai.  This time, we took my sons.

 A kayak journey on the Wailua, then lunch at the falls.
It was  2 miles of paddling,  then hiking in to Sacred Falls.
Of course, we had to do a reverse to get back out.
After another 2 miles of paddling, we were exhausted. 
My husband was in the back.  My two sons were ahead of us.
Yes, I always wear lipstick......LOL


 WaioHai beach Club at Poipu.  Our timeshare is here.

Apple Bananas

Beautiful flowers arrangement at Joe's on the Green

Flowers in Kauai

Coffee beans from Kaui Coffee Plantation
My two sons......John and Jason

Baby pineapple

Here's my husband and sons hamming up with the Malauwahi  cavern
This is the cave where Raiders of the Lost Ark was filmed.
Harrison Ford was running out of the cavern with a giant boulder behind him.
My son John, introduced us to Geocaching.
It is a modern day approach to scavenger hunting.

I have to share this with you.  It was also our anniversary while we were in Kauai.
One afternoon, my husband and I walked into our bedroom to find this waiting for us.
Our sons had the staff arrange this for us.  Truly sweet!
Well, I won't bore with so many photos.
I am trying to get back into the groove of things again.
Take care my friends. 

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Happy Anniversary....and not much better than celebrating it in Hawaii!!

  2. Happy Anniversary! How sweet of your sons to remember your special day that way. Keep posting the photos! You won't bore me at all ;o)

  3. Your trip sounds like it was amazing, Linda, celebrating in one of the most gorgeous places on earth. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby. Glad to have you back. xo

  4. Love all your photos! We JUST returned from Maui ~ I have a few pics up on my blog:) Looks like you all had a great time!

    Happy anniversary!!


  5. Happy anniversary a bit late! The pictures are beautiful! How nice that you took your sons. I didn't know you had a timeshare there!!! How lucky!!! Since I will never get to Hawaii I love all the pictures. XO< Pinky

  6. Welcome back!!! Wow...what a great anniversary getaway!!! That was so sweet of your sons to arrange a romantic surprise for you guys! It looks like you all had a wonderful time! It's great....even rowing down a big ol' river, you STILL had your lipstick on!!!!!! That is priceless!!! :-)

  7. Incredibly beautiful, Linda! Your photos are stunning. What a beautiful place to spend your anniversary!
    I can't get over the size of the Anthurium! Mine look puny next to them.
    Debbie :)

  8. Ahh how beautiful and relaxing! You look so pretty and happy! I see why you take your vacations at this time of year with your birthday and anniversary so close! Looks like a perfect vacation for you, hubby and your sons- what a nice treat you gave them! That's so cool to see the cave where Raiders of the Lost Arc was filmed! Beautiful photos!

  9. It looks like you had a wonderful time with your hubby and sons, Linda. Hawaii is the only state I have not been in. Seeing this really makes me want to go! xo Diana

  10. Beautiful photos and reminders of the beautiful islands! You look gorgeous even kayaking, etc. Amazing! So glad you had a great time. Belated congratulations too!


  11. Ooh dear Linda, what gorgeous photos of your wonderful trip. Happy Anniversary to you two lovebirds!!! Wasn't that so sweet of your sons to share with the staff? Post more pictures. We never get tired of visiting paradise! I'm so glad that you had a fabulous trip with your family. xo

  12. Good Afternoon Linda, What a wonderful place to spend your anniversary. Hawaii looks fabulous. I loved the photo with the baby pineapple, as for the first time, I saw a small pineapple growing which I photographed whilst in India, so it was lovely to see your photo as somehow I did not imagine that was how they grew. Have a lovely day. Best Wishes Daphne

  13. Hi Linda.
    What a beautiful place to spend your anniversary!! So happy you and yours had a wonderful time, all your photos are Beautiful. I hope you had a wonderful Birthday with your family. April first is our anniversary for moving in to our home 12 years ago.
    XXOO Diane

  14. Hi Linda,

    Beautiful pictures - it brings back memories :) It sounds and looks like you had a wonderful time. Happy Anniversary!


  15. Happy Anniversary! Linda, you look pretty - even canoeing. All your pictures are so vivid and tropical. Truly paradise.


  16. thats seems to have been a really wonderful outing...

  17. If there is a post that lives up the name of your Blog it's this one: Life and Linda. All the patterns of beauty, love and life entwined to create priceless shared moments.
    (belated) Happy Anniversary, Sweet Lady and Lucky Gent!
    Thank you for sharing.

    (those boys can't really be yours... Science states you can't be a mother before being born ahahahah They look great people to hang out with. You're Blessed!)

  18. I love all the lush, tropical greenery. Happy weekend to you!

  19. Thank you for letting me travel though your pics, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    How fabulous.
    Glad to have you back.

  20. Looks like a great vacay! You guys are very adventurous!
    I was just saying how much I miss Hawaii, yesterday!

    =) Brooke


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