Our Water Features | Life and Linda

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Our Water Features

There's something soothing about hearing the sound of running water.
My husband and I have added many features to our property through the years.
We spend quite abit of time in our study, so naturally we have a fountain on the deck, off the study.
We have french doors with a large sliding screen door. It allows us to hear the water trickle down the urn.

Off our Family room, we added a pondless waterfall.  It fits nicely on a hillside, as if natural.
We have added many plants and flowers to give it a lush look.  My husband designed the wood trellis framing
 the whole area. My son helped built it. It is covered in Wisteria and hanging flower baskets.

Here's our  fish fountain.  It's located in the back of the house.  We have large Koi pond connected to it.

Off the Breakfast room, we have another area for outdoor dining. Of course, we have another fountain.
We sometimes change out the flowers.

Urn Fountain with grass surrounding it.

Waterfall at the front of our house.  It actually flows under the walkway into a small man made pond.

The pool has 1 large waterfall with a grotto and two smaller ones.

My health status:  I am waiting to see both of my doctors June 11th.
I will then know my treatment for cancer.
I am starting to feel  better day by day.
Thank you again for thinking of me.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. I am so glad to hear you are feeling better day by day. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Your photos are lovely and I agree, there is something soothing about listening to running water.

    Have a wonderful week!

    Hugs to you!

  2. I always love seeing your plac. The landscaping is like a resort. Such a nice place to live! Your arbor is filling in very nicely! The wisteria has grown a lot! The pond plants are doing well too.
    Good to hear a status update on your health. I know waiting can be an eternity but the best decisions are made with the most planning. Hugs, Liz

  3. Linda - still praying.

    And - your fountains and year and gardens look so pretty and relaxing - I hope they are. sandie

  4. All of your water features are fabulous!! How soothing it must be to have that sound wherever you are in your home.

    Such good news that you are feeling better. It will be nice when you have the entire treatment plan in hand. Thanks for keeping us updated.

    You remain in my thoughts and prayers. xoxo

  5. You have a beautiful yard! Glad you are feeling better. Feeling better is always good!!

  6. Glad you are feeling better, Linda. What a beautiful place you have - and so many spots of beauty in your backyard!

  7. All of your water features are amazing! It is so relaxing to listen to the sound of water running, or trickling. It would be hard to go inside with all these beautiful places to sit by.

  8. Hi Linda, Im so glad you are feling better,Such good news God is good! your in prayers all the time your garden is the must beautiful place love all your water features.

  9. You have a beautiful yard! Very tropical and lush. Glad you are feeling better from the surgery. Keeping you in my prayers as you proceed with treatment.

  10. Linda! Your ponds, rock, waterfalls, and gardens are gorgeous! We have a trellis and landscaping that's similar and my husband is wanting to put in a waterfall. I'll have to share this post with him. Lots of work putting all this in! Good for you!! My mother has a k oi pond and gets loads of enjoyment out of it. Sometimes birds come by and eat her fish though:(

    Happy Monday! xxooleslie

  11. Your grounds are beautiful! There is solitude everywhere you turn!
    Glad to hear that you are feeling better! Prayers for the cure!

  12. I know it is crazy but I think there is healing power around water. I am drawn to it like a moth to a light. It calms me-makes me feel serene and I feel connected to God when I am by water. I love the sounds of waterfalls and how wonderful that you are so blessed to have all those water features. I only have one big fountain but I live on the Bay so am surrounded by the beauty of water.

    I am praying for you and your appt with the dr. Take it day-by-day and step-by-step and try to stay in the moment without projecting forward with the what-ifs. Hard to do but it does help.

    I finally have a computer again so I was glad to see your post here tonight- Blessings- xo Diana

  13. Linda, your home and fountains are all so beautiful. Keeping my fingers crossed for good news from your doctors!

  14. Oh, MY!! Those fountains are out of this world! My favorite is the wall fountain. Reminds me of the one in 'Under the Tuscan Sun!'
    God speed on your doctor appointments. Prayers from Texas!
    I will pray for you OUT loud, ON purpose and BY name! I am partial to Linda!

  15. Hi Linda, you really gave me inspiration as I am thinking of doing something with one area of my backyard. It is for sure not as lovely as yours, but may be my little piece of relaxation. I am so glad you are feeling better and I do think of you often but, with our busy life we sometimes forget to let others know. Keep that beautiful face looking up!

  16. Those waterfalls and water features are breath-taking, Linda. The sound is so calming. I hope you are soothed by them as you work to restore your health. So many of us are praying for you.


  17. Water features are such a luxury in the garden, and so soothing. Your features are beautiful. Best of luck to you on the 11th and so happy to hear you are feeling well, good news!

  18. So glad you are feeling better, Linda. You have a beautiful oasis there. I also find the sound of water so soothing. xo

  19. Loving the grotto! So pretty!

  20. Good morning my new and beautiful friend! I am so happy first of all to be getting your post updates via email, since my blog roll doesn't work very well these days. Then I saw you visited me last night! I see we are almost on the same wavelength on garden renovations!

    Linda, your gardens and fountains, OH DEAR - they are just fantastic! And I agree, the sound of running water really soothes, as well as lush greenery! As you saw, our little cottage was dull and lifeless,and 17 years of our own work made it into a totally changed place. But yours looks so PROFESSIONAL! I see your deck and we too have a new deck that was done professionally last year, but my dear husband will be screening it in this week so we can enjoy our dinners outside.

    You live in a paradise. Your fountains are fabulous and your plants are so lush. Enjoy every moment outside. Looking forward to your next post! Anita

  21. Good morning, Linda. So glad to hear you're feeling better. You not only inspire people with your courage but also with your skill at surrounding yourself with beauty.

    Your gardens are spectacular and if I come to cook for you I'm never leaving! What a perfect place for entertaining. You have exquisite taste, my friend.

  22. I was wondering how you were doing. I am jealous of those water features. Sitting by running water is so soothing to my soul.

  23. Linda, I'm happy to hear you are feeling better. You'll still be in my prayers as you continue treatment.
    I love all your waterfalls, but my favorite is the one down the hillside. There's just something so soothing about hearing the sound of water. You are blessed with many waterfalls to enjoy. xo

  24. Oh Linda, you waterfalls are just gorgeous! I love the sound of trinkling water too, it is soothing. I do not have any waterfalls around my house, unfortunately! Your koi pond is wonderful too. Thanks for sharing all that beauty and I'm so glad you are feeling better. I still remember you in my daily prayers. : )
    Hugs, Gina

  25. Oh my goodness, I can't believe all the water features you have! The outdoor of your home looks like a beautiful exotic vacation getaway.

  26. Can I come live in your backyard?? It is breathtakingly beautiful!! Why go on vacation with a backyard like that one. Gorgeous, simply gorgeous Linda!! Yor're in my prayers and I'm glad you are feeling somewhat better. I'll be watching your posts for your continued progress. Luv ya girlfriend!

  27. Hi Linda.
    I love all your waterfalls in your backyard gorgeous. This looks like a vacation getaway ! I hope you are feeling better today and are having a good time in your backyard.
    XXOO Diane

  28. So happy to know you're surrounded by beauty and whimsy while waiting and living another phase. That you will beat, in spades. By the buckets to keep within the theme of you post ahahahah
    I've been wanting to have "some", "any", water fixture in my garden... don't know if I'm brave enough for it. You certainly are. And a great taste too. Enjoy!


    To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.
    Alan Watts

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  30. Hi Linda! So glad you are feeling better! I agree with the above comments: your gardens and waterfalls are magnificent! They look like a lot of work went into them! It must feel really nice to know that a lot of the work was done by yourself, you husband, and your son! I love the sound of running water and have always desired to live by a creek. We don't have one here, but seeing your water features reminds me that I could at least have an urn or small water feature! Prayers for you to continue to grow stronger everyday! Hugs and Blessings from Bama!

  31. Wow! Your water features are all just amazing! Thanks for sharing those great photos of them. My favorite ones are the waterfalls. I'm glad that you are feeling better after your surgery.

  32. The all posts are great.The color combination are great.After seeing all the posts i am fully exited to know deeply about this.Can you post some more blogs like that.Thanks for the post.I am waiting for your new post.
    Granite ball

  33. Your garden and water features are beautiful and are very soothing. You did a lot of research and put a lot of time in designing and installing the water features, it is clearly visible in the pictures. If you want to buy any product for your garden or water feature, buy it from Outdoor Living, they have some very nice products.


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