Art Tour in the Foothills | Life and Linda

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Art Tour in the Foothills

We are lucky enough to live in the foothills, where there are many artists.  Every year, the artists in our area have a Art tour.  They are open to the public for demonstrations and selling their wares.

One of our favorites is Nicolson Blown Glass.  We have bought several pieces through the years.

It's a pleasure to go in and watch them work.  It's a husband and wife team.

 Rick and Janet’s dedication to glass blowing is evident in the excellent quality of their work. The emphasis in their small studio is on creativity and innovation. Each piece is a free-hand expression of the excitement and risk-taking found in an experimental glassblowing studio.

Following his university education, Rick Nicholson operated a pottery studio full time in southern California from 1974 to 1981. Janet left her photography job in 1979 to freelance and create designs on Rick’s clay forms. They were married the same year, and their artistic collaboration began. By 1982, they were called to concentrate on glass alone and settled on 9 acres in Auburn, California.

Rick is world famous for his beautiful blown glass piece.  He was even commissioned to make some ornaments for the White House.

Here's the Point Break Wave bowl my husband bought me years ago for Mother's Day.
The little pumpkin is what we bought recently.  They had a pumpkin event the night before we ventured out.

Jennifer Riley Sculptures

Jennifer creates sculptures from her imagination and from gathering imagery 
from her daily life. After working with metal since 1991. She is amazing at 
starting a sculpture with a thought and a piece of steel, rarely putting her thoughts
on paper. Construction carefully begins with framework so that she can establish 
balance in her desired form. Then, like putting a jigsaw puzzle together, Jennifer 
Johnson welds the chosen found objects and new steel to create a beautiful form fluid,
 graceful, and intriguing.

Wearable Art by Barbra Paitich 

 A life time of creating has resulted in a vary of media. Silk painting has been the mainstay for over 30 years. As the years have gone on, I cut steel and copper framework for the silk wall hangings. I use a plasma torch to cut rough steel from which to hang lovely and delicate, hand painted silk. Glass accessories - scarf pins first and then necklaces, bracelets and rings were added as the serendipitous qualities couldn't be resisted. Now the combinations of glass with copper, steel, brass are formed into unusual jewelry and have been incorporated into my large wall pieces

 Barbara also had paints scarves.

 I am having a Jungle Madness dinner party tonight, so stay tuned for the tablescape. I

I also did some Fall decorating so watch for upcoming posts.


The Bouqs - Premium Farm Direct Flowers

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Looks like fun!
    Our little town hosts ours this weekend too and the weather is supposed to be sublime:)

  2. Love that glass artwork. So colorful! We have an extensive artist group in Fredericksburg, and have a number of art galaries. Our first Friday Art Walk is a real hit for locals and tourists as well.

  3. What fun, Linda! I'm sure you. And your hubby had a great time at the art show.

  4. Jungle Madness sure sounds fun! Glad you and your hubby enjoyed the art show. From what you shared, lots of talent.

  5. What beautiful things. I love to be able to visit artist's colonies. I have a couple of pieces of blown Steuben Glass from Corning, NY and it is absolutely beautiful! I love it!

    Can't wait to see your Jungle Madness party. sigh...I guess my invitation got lost in the mail~ xo Diana

  6. Wow I love all of this! I'm always attracted to glass pieces. Love the pumpkins. Your art glass piece is beautiful and your new pumpkin is cute! Looking forward to seeing your fall decorating and the jungle themed Tablescape!

  7. Hi Linda, what gorgeous art pieces. I love those darling pumpkins and yours is beautiful along with your Mother's Day gift. Love the color.
    Visiting these art shows are always inspiring.
    Have fun at your dinner party. Looking forward to your fall decorating.

  8. How wonderful to live in the midst of such creative artisans!

  9. Good evening Linda! I love that collection of pumpkins! It must be nice (after a lot of work), to just decide that the arts will be your main source of income and focus. So wonderful that this husband and wife team can create such beautiful pieces and live off of the love of art. WONDERFUL!

    I look forward to your wild table!

  10. I love blown glass, Linda, and that bowl is so special. The pumpkins are fantastic and I would have had trouble not snatching them all up! lol.
    I MUST have that scarf! It is gorgeous!
    I miss being in BC because there are so many Artists Tours on the different islands where you can find lots of creative people. Soon I hope!
    Talk to you soon, WW. xoxo

  11. We have a smaller event here called Arts & Roses in the beginning of spring and a larger event called Arts in the Park in late summer. I love going every year. Arts & Roses is mostly just artwork, although there were some other booths there as well this year. Arts in the Park is huge, with all kinds of booths set up - jewelry, clothing, paintings, photographs, sculptures, vases, etc.

    I love that scarf - so pretty!

  12. I really love your art I am gonna get them for sure,its nice, attractive and creative designs.


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