Things to Share | Life and Linda

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Things to Share

As I stated in an earlier post, we have been working on our laundry room.  When we remodeled our kitchen last year, we took those cream colored cabinets and installed them in the laundry room.
Our former cabinets were  drab grey German cabinets,
I can't believe we only have 1 picture of the laundry room before...Go figure!
Here's a peek!   We are pleased how it turned out.
I will be showing more of it when we do the backsplash.

 Here's the former kitchen cabinets.

 The new kitchen

The Fairy Blog Mother has been busy.....LOL
Liz, from Infuse With Liz wanted a new look for her blog, so I set out to make the changes.
She started with the leopard print and because of her Swedish ancestry, she decided to go with the lions shield.  It is totally different and rather regal looking.  Liz is recovering from Sciatica.
I hope she feels better soon.

I also tweaked Sami's blog, Pontifical Porch.  She wanted a  very simple look.

Kathe from the blog Kathe With an E invited me to join the Blogger's group - Bloggers on Blogger (Blogspot) on Facebook.  Thanks again Kathe.  I appreciate the invite and it has kept me busy....LOL

I set out to help a fellow blogger and spent  many hours tweaking her blog.

On another note, I won, or should I say our dog Lacy....came in runner-up in the FrankenPet contest by PicMonkey. I won a year of Royale PicMonkey and a $25.00 gift certificate from Petsmart.
 Lacy has won  many contests.  She won a $100.00 gift certificate from our vet, Animal medical Center.  They are on Facebook.  She didn't have all the blood and gore for that contest.  Lacy has also been featured in the newspaper.

Here's the link if you want to see the winners.

 Kind of creepy.  Looks like Lacy fits right in on the show Walking Dead.  LOL
I love Pic Monkey.  You can do so much with the program.

Lastly I am sharing this fabulous cake stand, made out of an old brass chandelier.
 I Heart Naptime.  Gotta love re-purposing.

Happy Sunday.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Love that you were able to repurpose you old kitchen cabinets. Your knew kitchen is gorgeous. You have been quite a busy lady. Congrats to Lacey!!

  2. Wow your laundry room looks fabulous- it's wonderful how the cabinets fit in there so well and the trim at the top really finishes it off beautifully! You really tricked Lacy out for Halloween! Congrats on her runner up win! Thank you again for the new blog look- you pulled it together beautifully!

    1. Forgot to say that cake stand is amazing- such creative thinking!

  3. Glad you are busy and happily so, Linda. Your doggie and the costume are fabulous. Love your laundry rom makeover and that chandy transformation is amazing! How do gals come up with these things?! I sure don't! lol

  4. It's nice that you have been busy making your home just the way you want it. Congratulations to Lacey! That chandelier cake stand is fantastic. xo

  5. That is the prettiest laundry room ever!!! Lucky Liz with the new blog!!! Lacy is a scary doggie:):) WHO would have thought to make a cake stand from a chandelier!! YOU!! Sciatica is horrible, hope Liz feels better soon! I love, LOOOOOVE your kitchen. I want a mantle SO bad!!!

  6. Love the laundry room makeover with the new cabinets. They look terrific! So do the blogs that you redid and tweaked. I saw Liz's right away and it suits her nicely. I am laughing at Lacey and the costuming you come up with. lol

    That chandy redo is a sweet idea. Hope you have a great week ahead. xo Diana

  7. I love your laundry room makeover from your old kitchen cabinets, Linda! You've been busy at home and helping people with their blogs.
    Congrats to Lacy on her win (and yours)! Happy Sunday to you, sweet lady!

  8. Oh, I just love everything you do. And I really like the mantle in your new kitchen. It all looks so high-end and lovely!! You've been busy! XOXO

  9. Wow, your laundry room is looking amazing! and congrats on your doggie victory! He looks adorable...

    1. Thanks so much Christine. We are loving our laundry room now.

  10. It looks beautiful, Linda! Love that chandy cake plate too!
    With a laundry room like that, no complaints about doing laundry! Well...unless there was something more fun to do! :)

  11. The laundry room looks so, so pretty! Great use for the old cabinets...and of course, your new kitchen is just gorgeous! Great updates on the are so talented. Lacy is precious! Does she know just what a celebrity she is? :) I think that chandy cake stand re-do is awesome. I would never think of that ~

    Hope you have a wonderful week my friend!

  12. I did a similar thrift move when I remodeled my kitchen. In my case I put the old cabinets in dear husbands' workshop. It turned out well but I'm already dreaming of painting them as they are wengé - so dark - and the space doesn't have enough light. Husband says they're great but what does he know?! ahahahah
    Love the change. Enjoy!

  13. Hi Linda, love your laundry and kitchen. Everything you designed and reused is wonderful. Love Liz's blog too. It looks terrific and captures her well. Your sweet pup is adorable and the chandy is so pretty in pink!! Have a great day and fun decorating!!

  14. Linda, your new kitchen is wonderful! Regal and elegant. It's always great to recycle and have another place to make look brand new..Happy Monday..Judy

  15. Good morning dear Linda! I am terribly late here.....a snow storm yesterday lengthened my evening and I was unable to get to the computer....WOW your makeovers are just stunning - your kitchen, a DREAM! And the cabinets in the laundry room really have changed the atmosphere. And your cake that is GENIUS. I need to send my dear blogger pal over here who is also very creative, so she can see the possibilities of an upside down chandelier!!! Happy day dearest Linda! Anita

  16. LOVE your new laundry room, Linda! So nice to have such a big room with lots of storage. The cabinets look great in there.
    You have been a very busy blog fairy. Such beautiful designs and you just know that I love Pontificals Porch - so gorgeous in it's simplicity. You are so talented, friend.
    Lacy is a star! I didn't even know about that contest but it looks like you had a ball doing that, lol. Talk soon, WW. Lots of love to you. xoxo

  17. I could even ENJOY doing laundry in such a beautiful space, Linda! You were smart to re-purpose those pretty cabinets.
    LOVE what you did for the bloggers websites...very pretty & appropriate for each one. You are very skilled at this techy stuff.

  18. Your new laundry room is wonderful! I love the white cabinets and what fun to have a red washer/dryer to give some life to what can be a mundane chore.

  19. Hi Linda, looks like you have been really busy, love the laundry room!

  20. Your kitchen and laundry room look beautiful! I can see why your adorable dog won a prize. Too funny!

  21. Your kitchen is beautiful, Linda. The laundry room is too. I love both cabinets...Christine


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