Feeling Stressed! | Life and Linda

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Feeling Stressed!

This a short post. I wanted to give an update  We have had a very stressful week.  Our oldest dog, Sasha is dying from kidney failure.  We have been giving her fluid therapy at home, trying to hydrate her and make her feel better.  We have been to the vet quite a bit. The last blood panel the vet ran, he said her numbers were very high and  the toxins are taking over. It's a matter of time.

Sasha is my husband's first dog.  She has been with us practically since we have been married.  She is such a loving dog!  Sasha has been with me through all of my surgeries...right by my side while I was at home recuperating.  Unconditional love.

We are left with a difficult decision.  To let her die at home, hopefully not with pain or make that dreaded decision to put her to sleep. Dogs cannot communicate to us, so we have no idea how they feel.  The other day, she met us at the door with Chloe and Dante.  She even wagged her tail. She sleeps all the time  and she is getting weaker.

Dante  became sick this week.  I didn't sleep all night recently, taking care of him. These fur babies are like our children.  He is starting to feel better now.  Lacy, our white Schnauzer has been keeping us busy as well, dealing with her dementia.

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On top of all this. I have been busy trying to get this lowlife from daily arch design to quit stealing my posts. He is located in Turkey, but it seems the server is in France. I filed an abuse against his server.  It's pretty pitiful when  people steal someone's content trying to make money off them!  Shame on you, thief!

  Needless to say, I am feeling sad and stressed! The tears are flowing.....  I will get through this!  I hope you all have a great 4th of July.......Hugs...

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Really sad to hear about your lovely pet, it must be heartbreaking to take a decision as regards ending it all for her. And coupled with your post theft, it is indeed trying times for you, and I can only wish you great strength and love always. Do hang in there. Best wishes.

  2. Linda, I'm sad to hear the news. No wonder you are stressed. Sasha will be in my thoughts. I'm sending positive energy her way for pain free days ahead. I've walked this path and it is not an easy one.
    Sending hugs your way.

  3. Sad for you..I know how much your pets mean to you..

    Very tough decisions..
    I know..I think I know..that in my case..I would not want to suffer...but I am speaking as a person..about a pesron..as you said..you are not sure if she is suffering..what a quandry!

    Take care...

  4. Good Afternoon Linda, I have just returned from my visit to India and thought I would pop by to say hello, only to find you are experiencing a terrible time. I am so sorry to hear about Sasha. I do understand how heartbreaking this is for you as we lost our lovely King Charles spaniel, Chloe in similar circumstances.
    As for the person stealing your content..... shame on them.
    Both you and Sasha are in my thoughts.
    Lots of love to you both.

  5. Dear Linda,

    Being an animal lover myself and having had cats all my life, I can totally empathize with your pain. I am so sorry what you are going through at this time and I hope that your beloved dog doesn't suffer much. Sending you all a hug.

  6. I am so sorry for the sad times you are going through. Our pets are our babies. I can't advise you but go with your gut and you will make the right decision. Hugs to you.

  7. Oh Linda...I know the pain of having a sick dog (puppykid) and having to make the decision to let him go. Even though it's been a year and a half...I still miss Benny. In the beginning, I questioned my decision to have the emergency vet put him to sleep...but at the time, it was the best thing I could do for him, my other 2 Pups and myself. It certainly helped my other 2 to cope with losing their fur brother, because they were right beside him when he passed. And I was snuggling him, in his favorite blanket. He'd gone from seizures to peace and quiet...looking at me for the first time all day, licking my nose and then to sleep. I feel it was the last "mama" thing I could do for him. Goodness knows, it certainly wasn't easy...but after several months, I didn't question the reasons for my decision...because I knew it was the best for him.

    Holding you in prayer at this difficult time.

    And a thief? Oh boy...I've been seeing others with that problem too.

    Jan ♥

  8. I am so sorry to hear about Sasha's decline and Dante and Lacy's health problems. It's a big decision about having to put our fur babies to sleep. I faced that with my Lhasa Apsos - they were with us for seventeen years, feeble and blind and in so much pain. I couldn't bare to hear them cry all the time so we said our good byes and took them to the vet. You'll know when it's time and somehow Sasha will let you know.
    About your thief - I was so upset the first time I saw my work and photos from one of those foreign sites. There're so many of them. You get one shut down and others pop up. At this stage of my life, I don't have the energy, time or money to fight these despicable people. I would go on and on to my hubby about what I would find and he just calmly said - is it worth it to get stressed out especially since this is just a "hobby" and not a paying job. My attitude has changed but it still gets to me. Do what's best for you but remember your health is most important.

  9. Dearest Linda, What you're going through right now is so familiar to me that i can't help feeling some of your stress as I read. Four years ago at this very time we were in the same position with our beloved Jasper. My heart hurts for you because I know how helpless it feels. I know that your decisions will be made in the fullness of your love for Sasha. Hugs to you and your husband. jonni

  10. I'm so sorry Linda I almo loss one of my with the same problem thank Good she is safe they put her on Ib and special food she stop eating and her kidney stop but she fine thaand she doing good but she eat special food for her kidney
    Yes they are so incoditional love my are our babe
    She is pace now my heart go to you and your husband

  11. I am so sorry my friend. I wish we lived closer so I could hug you and help you get through this.

    I'm here if you need an ear sweetie.

  12. This made my eyes leak ~ I am so very sorry about Sasha. It's almost unbearable pain to lose a fur baby. If there's any indication of pain, I would make the decision to let her go. My heart goes out to you! My boy is showing his age and it's killing me. He could barely walk on 1 leg this morning (arthritis) so I carry him downstairs and back up when he has to go out.

    The theft is so evil! I'm so very sorry someone feels it's ok to do that. It's NOT! I hope the report will somehow stop him.

    Wish I were closer, I'd be there to help! Take good care and please call or email if you need to talk.

    Love, prayers and hugs,

  13. I am so sorry for your stress.....it is hard when our beloved pets age and are in pain.
    I hope you can stop that thief!!

  14. Oh Linda, I am so very sorry for you, your hubby and Sasha. I understand the sadness and stress you are going through and my heart goes out to you. I'm sending a big ((hug)) to you across the miles.

  15. Linda I'm so sorry to hear about your loved pet. We have dogs as well and it's heartbreaking when one of them starts to get frail. They are one of the family. In the end you will know what to do. sending hugs your way!

  16. Linda I'm so sorry to read this. I know how hard it is to go through this and why oh why does all this tough stuff pile up at once. :-/

  17. Oh Linda, I am so sorry to hear about Sasha and all that is going on for you at the moment. I know just how heartbreaking it is to lose a beloved pet as they are truly a family member. My thoughts and prayers go out to you in the days ahead. Please take care my friend.
    Hugs, cm

  18. Sending comforting {{HUGS}} your way, Linda. I know how much your fur babies mean to you & I'm sorry that creep of a thief is adding to your unhappiness.

    My DH passed away from kidney failure & he really wasn't in any pain till the last day but he really didn't feel well the entire last month. I imagine dogs are much the same. My ♥ goes out to you as you deal with this difficult choice.


  19. I am so sorry for all the pain you are experiencing. It is so hard to lose your pets. And that ole meanie -- well I hope he gets his -- and soon!

  20. Sending hugs to you. May Sasha have a peaceful passing when the time has come. Very difficult for everyone, I know.

  21. Linda...I'm so sorry to hear about your little Sasha. It's never easy, I've had to make the 'choice'.

    Sending love and prayers.

    Jane x

  22. Oh, Linda, this is such a horrible time for you and I am so sorry. They are our babies and maybe some don't understand, but they are a piece of our heart and sometimes hard decisions have to be made. We went through this with Buddy and finally realized we had to let him go. Our cat, now, is 14 years old and has gone completely blind and I'm sure suffers with dementia also. We aren't forced to make a decision yet, but I certainly don't want her to suffer. She gets so stressed riding in the car and going to the vet so, when the time comes, we have a number to call where a vet in our area will come to the home and it can be a peaceful ordeal for Maggie, at least. If you are at all interested in the number, e-mail me and I'll let you know..Take care and be strong, Judy

  23. I' so sorry to hear about your Dante, Linda. I can't imagine having to deal with the choice that you must make. Whatever you choose will be the best!
    What a "schmuck" for stealing your posts that you work so hard on. How in the world did you discover that out?
    Best of luck with Dante and with catching the thief!

  24. I understand your pain for your pet dog. I have been there before. Until now, I could not bring myself to keep another dog, it is still painful. I hope something can be done to stop the thief stealing your posts.

  25. That is a lot of stress!! You poor thing, I know how hard it is to let go of a dear pet and family member. As for the thief......bad, bad, bad.....

    Am sending you lotsa love and wishes for a peaceful solution to these issues......xoxoxo

  26. We had to make the decision to put our Mikey, a twelve year old Golden Retriever, to sleep a few weeks ago. It was a painful decision, and we all cried and cried...even the big guys!
    Shame on the thief! This happened to Brenda at Cozy Little House. You might chat with her. My son is a fed employee and just found that someone hacked his credit card account...though fortunately the bank thought it was suspicious and called him. He keeps waiting for more hacker/thieves to invade his like. Mean people out there for sure!

  27. My darling friend,

    I just got inside from being at the lake, a storm is brewing and golfball-sized hail is predicted.

    I am so sorry to know that you are feeling such a heavy weight. I simply can't handle the loss, I just can't. When I've lost anyone in my life, I've had to sit down immediately and drink water, for something seems to be zapped from me. I pray that you will get through this with the minimum amount to have to face....in other words, I hope that this individual who is harassing you will be caught and brought to justice. You don't need this, no one does. What you need now is the community of FRIENDS who will be here with you. I am here, late, but I'm here. I truly believe and place all my hopes for our future in the hands of a benevolent force who loves CREATION, all of it. May Sasha wag her sweet tail FOREVER in the presence of perfect love. HUGS TO YOU! Anita

  28. So sorry about all your problems, Linda, especially of your sweet dog. I hope she is not in much pain. Hugs!...Christine

  29. There are times that one gets much more (or less, in fact) that they deserve.
    You had already your share for an entire life and now this. It helps knowing you'll surface stronger and happier. Until then, hugging and praying for you so serenity and happiness returns to you and your life soon.

  30. Linda,
    I am so, so sorry that all of these miserable and heart breaking things are happening all at one time. It hurts my heart to know the agony you are going through. My heart, and friendship are reaching out to you and know that in all of these comments comes much love and caring for you, your well being, healing and comfort.
    Many hugs and love,

  31. There is nothing like the love for a pet and in kind their love for you. So sorry.

  32. AnonymousJuly 06, 2015

    Linda I'm so sorry to hear about little Sasha, I read your FB post. You and your husband are in my prayers. This is so very hard and like I've said before, Sasha looks so much like my little Chloe Dawn that we lost in January. My heart breaks for you. I'm sorry about the thief stealing your blog content! I just can't believe how there's always someone out there doing bad things. I sure hope he stops and someone catches him. I really don't know anything about this sort of thing but it angers me for you.


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