Embracing Spring! | Life and Linda

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Embracing Spring!

We are having some spring weather.  Yea!  We do need more rain,  however more is coming this weekend.  I have been doing some gardening.  I trimmed the trumpet vines, passion vines and mowed the lawn.  I cleaned  out the garden the other day.

Notice all of the rosemary we have.  The bees are loving it.  It is pretty drought tolerant. This rosemary is growing close to the waterfall pond by our front walkway.

The vinca is blooming and the hedge is coming in.

More rosemary by our gate.

Dante is looking at something near the path. This path leads down to the spa and pool.

Of course, our Plum trees are in bloom with their beautiful pink color


I am also sharing Infuse With Liz's new look for Spring.  Liz saw my  makeover and she thought she was ready for something fun and springy. We exchanged ideas for the header and she told me what colors she wanted.
Ok, time for a blogging tip!

I wanted to share this website..TinyPNG  When you upload your photos, be sure to re-size them to your blog's post width.  Then compress them with TinyPNG.  The photos are nearly invisible to tell the difference, but there is a huge difference in their size. When checking with SEO, they always recommend  you to compress your images. It is FREE and there is no sign up.

The image on the left is 155kb and the image on the right is 93.5kb

A very helpful tip, so your page loads quickly.  Enjoy your week and stay tuned for more Spring tablescapes...St. Patrick's day and Easter.

Here's some previous Spring  Tablescapes to check out!

Luncheon Off Study

Birds & Bees

Mardi Gras

Bunny Delight

Bunnies Are Hoppin

Girls Wanna Have Fun

Raindrops Keep Falling

Purple and Green

Divalicious Pink

I am joining Thoughts Of Home on Thursdays

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Beautiful flowers!!!! Spring is so wonderful!
    Have a nice day

  2. I use Shortpixel to optimize my images.

  3. Linda..your place is paradise-like.
    Happy for you.:)

  4. Your yard and gardens are spectacular! Love Liz's new look!! Gotta run but will be back!

  5. Linda, your garden is gorgeous. I love the Plum trees with their pink flowers. I've been seeing them around town lately, and the white blossom trees too. The rosemary is so lovely. Yes, the bees will swarm over that bush for sure. Everything looks so nice.

    I am lovin' your new Header design with the PINK colors. I do hope we get the rain this weekend. :)

    love, ~Sheri

    1. How fun that you visited Hollywood while growing up in Anaheim. :)

  6. Always an awesome feast for the eyes...you are one lucky girl!

  7. I'm so jealous of your gorgeous spring weather and flowering plants. Thank you again for giving my blog a new spring look!

  8. Your yard and gardens are so beautiful, Linda. You've been one busy lady, and all that beauty shows.

  9. Good morning Linda! Your garden is magnificent, SO California! That plum tree, oh the color!! We are frozen in time here. No colors yet, no sign of spring now. We had warm weather here and there last week, but we're back to our old tricks of cold, wind and reality (MInnesota doesn't get into spring until mid-MAY!) but your photos are inspiring.

    Wishing you a great day! Anita

  10. Spring at your house is beautiful! Love your plum tree. Also love the new design for Liz! I have been using tinyPNG and it is very easy. Sheila

  11. Linda I cannot get over your garden! Wow! Make sure you link this gem up tomorrow on Thoughts of Home on Thursday as the blooms are simply spectacular.

  12. I literally gasped when I saw that plum tree, Linda. It just takes my breath away to see what beautiful views & plantings you have. You live in HEAVEN...or close to it. I'm watching snowflakes all day. *sigh*

  13. Hi Linda, you have an amazing garden and so magazine worthy. Love it and so inspiring. I can't wait to work in my garden again this season. xo

  14. Such a pretty landscape - a treat to visit!

  15. Hello Dear Linda,
    I adore your gardens, landscape and perfect retreat! You have the best of both worlds.
    Beautiful gracious home situated in the foothills in California.
    Thank you so much for joining us and for always being such a great friend.
    Hope to see you next week too at Thoughts of Home on Thursday!
    Happy weekend,

  16. Linda, I didn't know you were a rock star gardener!! Just look at your plants and that view too. Wow, I'll be watching for more posts of your outdoor areas.

    Happy Thoughts of Home on Thursday. :)

  17. Your garden is gorgeous Linda! I love flowers, but have a genuine black thumb, and would rather play in the kitchen than the dirt...thanks for the compression tip, and Liz's blog looks great!

  18. Hi Linda,
    I'm finally finding time to visit and see what everyone has been up to. Your place is simply gorgeous and I'm curious how much lawn you cut, lol. Do you have a ride-em or are you out there cutting 20 acres? Gorgeous!
    Love Liz's new look as well. So pretty. I'll pop over to see more. :)
    I found TinyPNG just a couple weeks ago and I'm using it to make my ebooks but had no idea I should be using it for my blog. Thanks for the tip!
    Hope your week is wonderful, sweet friend xoxo


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