Every Blog Needs These Items! | Life and Linda

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Every Blog Needs These Items!

Here is a list of things every blog needs.  Have you even visited a blog and couldn't find the name, contact info or what it is about?


The name of your blog should be very noticeable.  When a reader visits, they want to know the name. People love to connect with the writers. Taglines are also a good idea.


This is very important!  When I visit blogs, I often want to search for something.  I don't want to read through every post to find what I want.  Add a search bar on your sidebar, near the top, so your readers can find it easily.  Blogger has one, however I prefer a more advanced one. I like to use this custom one. You can find the code here: Beautiful Search Boxes     Examples of some colors below.


We all feel a need to connect with one another.   Adding a contact page or adding a contact link in your navigation menu is important.
I have my email contact in my navigation menu twice at the top.
Some people prefer a separate contact page.

If you have pages where you want to add your email contact, see the below example: Once you have your pages added like About Me, Recipes, Sitemap, then edit it to add your contact email.
Click the wrench and click +Add external link. Add the title for the page= Contact or Email and where I have myemail@gmail.com, change that to your email and then click save link.


Start by writing a small bio with your photo near the top of your sidebar.  Like I stated earlier, readers like to know some details about you as a blogger.  They like to relate. Example below:

In order to let your readers know more about you, a separate page is important. You can add it to your navigation menu.

* What your blog is all about.
* Your location, possibly.
* The things you are passionate about
*  Favorite things
*  Family


Some blogger do not have a photo on their blog. They don't realize how many readers want to know the person behind the blog.
Just take a few head shots and post one to where you are writing the short bio. PicMonkey has a shape cutout, you can use to create  a nice profile picture.


Most bloggers write about different subjects, so having pages for them is a whole  lot easier to find things your readers are interested in. I use a drop down, so I can have more categories for tablescapes, recipes, etc. I have a tutorial here


Some bloggers use Google+, Blogger, Disqus


Add some color coordinated social media buttons that
match your blog theme.
Everyone these days are on social media.  It's a great way to connect have your readers follow you and help create your own brand.  I try to use my name consistently on social media.
CarrieLoves has a huge supply of colored social media buttons.


Good quality photos are important.  No one wants to look at a tiny photo that is out of focus. Also compress them, so your blog will load faster.  I use Tiny PNG.


Your readers will love you, if you have a clean, uncluttered look for your blog.  Try to use colors that balance everything.  No photos too large for the post area.  Try to use no more than three colors.  Use a good readable font and make it large enough to read.

Ok, that's it for now.  I hope this helps some bloggers.  We all want to grow our blogs and  look good.
Have a great week!


About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. I think my blog passes! :-) No more than three colors, that is an art concept that I was taught in one of my Education courses. Same applies for (school) posters, bulletin boards, etc These days it applies to digital creations for teachers too. Good point. Sheila

  2. Great tips, Linda. I think I have most of the things on this list. I am still pretty camera shy so my photo is hidden on my about me page. Maybe someday I'll get the courage up to put it out in plain view!

  3. Thanks, Linda!!!! Though not in the top ten, I miss my Back to the Top feature....
    Thanks for making my blog a great one. xo

  4. Hi Linda! Oh, this was good. I have most of these but not the search bar. I added it and it's a little small but it works, I tried it! You're the best! Hope your Valentine's Day was wonderful.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. You're always trying to help us out, Linda, with your great tips. Thank you so much!

  6. This is why I have you help me with mine so I'm up to date! I was on a blog the other day trying to find a way to respond to someone who commented on mine. The email said no-reply blogger and her blog had no info on how to reach her. I love to use a search bar to find something on a blog- everyone definitely needs one!

  7. You're so, so good about sharing with us! Thank you over and over!

    The most frustrating thing for me is receiving a comment but no way to respond...no reply blogger, no email on the blog, etc.

    Have a wonderful day!

  8. Just added the back to top button. I love it. Thanks.

  9. Great tips Linda! Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom with us!

  10. Wow great advice, I like this post so much!

    My new post is up, so please check it out http://missbabybluelove.blogspot.rs/2016/02/blue-top.html
    And I started following you so if you could return , it would be great! :)

  11. Thank you for this, Linda. I have a few things to work on! It's always surprising to me when I want to email someone and can't find their email address to save my soul. Also, you're right about a picture...when there's no picture ever of the person it's like talking to a wall.

    Pinning this.

  12. Such a great post, Linda. I'm glad you emphasized about the contact information. I have been frustrated so many times because I have no way to contact the blog owner! I usually resort to messaging them on FB but that doesn't work if they don't have it, lol. You're helping so many people with this information :)

  13. Great tips!!

  14. Hi Linda, I came over to visit after reading your very helpful comment about changing being a no-reply blogger. Your post here is very concise and to the point with great tips and information.


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