Gallstones, Anyone? | Life and Linda

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Gallstones, Anyone?

Not my usual topic, such as tablescapes, diy  projects or blog tutorials. I have been known to share some of my health issues.  Being a three time cancer survivor, I am very thankful to still be here to write  about Life and Linda.

Within the last few months, I found out I have a 2 cm gallstone.  That certainly explains why I have discomfort  in my abdomen or sometimes chest pain with bloating.  When I have an attack, it usually lasts for 2 to 3 days, feeling like a stomach ache.

Years ago, after different tests, they did not know why I was having these issues.  I had a Upper GI Endoscopy, plus some other tests I cannot recall.

No one at that time suggested to me, to have an abdomen ultrasound, which looks at all of your organs in the mid-section.

Abdominal ultrasounds are used to check the major organs in the abdominal cavity. These organs include your gallbladder, kidneys, liver, pancreas, and spleen.

Well, my current Internist suggested an ultrasound, because my symptoms could mean I have gallstones.  Sure enough, I do and a large one.  She told me if the attacks keep up, I should see a surgeon about removing my Gallbladder.

Another organ lopped off.........For now, I am waiting.

*I would be interested to know how many bloggers have suffered from this and how many have had their gallbladder removed.

Happy November everyone!

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Hope you are feeling better.

  2. Hi Linda, oh I bet you have been very uncomfortable, no not gallstones but I had acid reflux so bad about 10 years ago I got down to 109 pounds and I am 5.7. Hope you feel better soon!!!!

    1. That's terrible Cheri. I know that can be a big problem as well. Hopefully you have that under control. Thank you for the well wishes.

  3. Linda, I had several gallbladder attacks and was told I needed to have my gallbladder removed. I didn't do that right away. A few years later we were on vacation in Colonial Williamsburg and I had an attack that couldn't be ignored. The hospital sent me back to our condo as I wanted to have the surgery in my hometown. Well, the next day I was back at the hospital in Williamburg and had my gallbladder removed laproscopically. It really was an easy surgery and I recovered quite quickly with immediate relief. Don't wait until the duct is blocked as it is quite painful. ♥

    1. What an ordeal. That is quite scary to not be at home when that happens. I have heard you never know when those attacks happen and you might need emergency surgery. Thank you for your knowledge and your experience..

  4. Oh Linda, I hate to hear you are suffering with gallstones. I am sending prayers and positive thoughts. I hope you are feeling better very soon.

    1. Thank you Catherine. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

  5. Hi Linda, praying for you to be better soon but if removal is needed, I pray all goes well. I was checked too since I have esophagus issues but no stones so it was ruled out.
    Take good care. Sending hugs!!

  6. Hope you are feeling better soon, Linda. I hope it clears up so you won't have to go through surgery! Will keep you in my prayers!

  7. Not for me, but my grandmother did back in the 1970s and I guess it was a rough surgery back in the day. Thinking of you!!!

    1. Thanks Sheila. Women have a bigger tendency to get gallstones than men. Go figure~

  8. I forgot to say...some years ago my gyno sad ky women have high incidence because of limestone bedrock that filters our drinking water. I hope I don't fall victim. Sheila

  9. Years and years and years ago 16 plus..I had to have an ultrasound because my brother was diagnosed with polycystic kidneys and it can be I did not have them..but they found gallstones and suggeted removal of my gallbladder..I saw a surgeon and was scheduled to have it out..then I thought get a second family doctore asked if I had discomfort and I said no..he said..wait..then I wrote by hand to a physician and his wife who was also a physician to ask them what they would do..they had been wonderful clients of mine and moved cross country..lo and behold they called me and said they were having dinner w/ other physicians..and if it was not bothering not do it..the surgeon had warned me that I could get a severe attack at any time..I never did..

    so ..just wondering if you can get a second opinion..can gallstones be dissolved?
    I think they do it laparoscopically..I know people who have had it done..and there were no complaints.
    Just relief.
    I am certain you are followed by wonderful doctors..

    and I know you get through everything with grace.
    Take care.

    1. Thank you Monique. Wow, that is a long time to have gallstones. I am so happy you aren't bothered by them. Second opinions are always the best. I know I have heard both side of the issues. They could become lodged in the bile duct or your gallbladder could become infected. Tough call, but for now, I am waiting to see.

  10. I watched Dan go through this back in the 90's. His attacks would last about 1 to 2 hours. The surgery was easy and he was home quickly. It was much better than the attacks he was having and they say you don't need the gallbladder anyway. I wouldn't live with that much discomfort and take a risk of it getting lodged.

    1. Thank you Liz. Sorry Dan had those awful attacks. I am glad to hear he is doing well. More info on this topic is so beneficial.

  11. my best friend back in the late 90's kept having problems. One night she felt extreme pain, went to the hospital where they did an emergency surgery (laproscopic) and she was fine afterwards. She said the pain was far worse than the surgery. Hope you don't have another spell.

    1. Thank you for telling me about your friend. Yes, the surgery is pretty easy now. Decisions, decisions.

  12. Linda, I am so sorry that you are going through this. I want to tell you about my mom. She always had stomach problems, and one day while teaching school she had a severe attack of pain. She is very tough, and you would never know when she was sick. She had to go to the emergency room. It was discovered that it was gallstones. She was scheduled to meet with a surgeon the next week. The surgeon told her she could wait for the surgery, but she felt so bad she wanted to get it taken care of as soon as possible. Two weeks later she had surgery. The surgeon discovered that the gallstones had passed and blocked her bile duct. He took the gall bladder out sent her to recovery and told us we would have to talk to another doctor to remove the stones from the bile duct. We sat at the hospital and watched my mother turn yellow and be in severe pain. Finally, a doctor came in and scheduled another surgery for the following day. It was awful seeing her in so much pain, and it seemed as if no one cared. She was yellow for weeks and had to have her blood checked often. We were told that her liver almost shut down. I don't want to scare you, but I would never want to see anyone go through this. It was awful, and I partly blame the surgeon. He should have realized that something more was wrong and should have been more attentive. You have to be your own advocate. I hope that you get to feeling better soon, and please take care. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thank you Shannon. What an awful ordeal your Mom suffered. That is very scary if the gallstones get stuck. Two surgeries to eliminate the problem is awful. I do agree, one has to be their own advocate and really get second opinions and research. I thank you for your input and I am so happy to hear your Mom came through with flying colors after that horrible ordeal.

  13. I think most of the population has some according to what I read. If you have pain though they want to remove it. There is always the risk of one trying to pass and ending up in the bile duct. Now as to me. I had mine removed about 5 years ago. Full of stones. In my state it is so common to have gall bladder issues. Hard water and multiple pregnancies. I wish I would have sooner tried taking a medicine called I think Actigall. It can help dissolve stones. People said to me that I would feel great after surgery. I don't. Food is a major issue still. The gall bladder is a bile sac, so where does the bile go now. Constantly going to the intestine. Best of luck Linda. I will be thinking of you.

    1. It's so nice you have shared your experience Valerie. I haven't heard of Actigall. I have also read, gallstones really don't dissolve. Interesting you don't feel good. I am so sorry you are not. I also read some are side effects, which are no fun! Good questions, where does the bile go? It just drips into the intestines? Funny how doctors always say, you don't need your gallbladder, throid, etc. Thank you Valerie. I do wish you well.

  14. Hi Linda, I hope you will overcome this condition soon♥ Hugs♥

  15. Hi Linda,
    So sorry to hear you are having these problems hon. You have certainly had your fair share....bless your heart. Will be praying that the Lord gives you the wisdom and information to
    know what to do or that even better yet he will just heal you. Hope you feel better soon hon.
    Hugs and Blessings,

    1. Thank you Nellie. I am playing the waiting game for now. I am gathering more info and knowledge to make the right decision. Hugs and Blessings.

  16. Sorry to hear that you are having these problems. I have never had those issues, but my cousin had a gall bladder issue and she had it removed and was happy with the outcome for the most part. Her diet had to change a little, but it was worth the pain subsiding.

    1. Thanks Carol. It seems to be a common problem. I also read you have to change your diet. Glad your cousin doesn't have those problems anymore. Pain is not good.

  17. Linda,
    I am so sorry to hear about your gallbladder and that it is causing you discomfort.
    I hope that you will be able to get the issues resolved soon and get back to feeling well again.
    You have been through so much, so I just imagine this surgery (if you choose to have it) will be a breeze for you. Although no wants surgery of any kind.
    Sending prayers and a big hug your way,

    1. Thank you Jemma. I want these issues resolved too. Just trying to make the right decision for me. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. xo

  18. Hello Linda, I hope you will feel better soon. I can imagine your discomfort, surgery will definetely help. xxxx

  19. Hi Linda,
    Gallbladder pain is right up there with childbirth! I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. IMHO, you've endured more than your share of issues. I had gallbladder surgery way back, 1970 I think. It was the old fashioned type where they cut all the way across your abdomen. :/ Now I believe it's just a minor procedure of laser or laproscopic. I urge you to get it taken care of as you will be relieved of any pain and avoid other issues. I put mine off for years 'cause my kids were little.

    The surgeon finally told me I had 3 choices:
    1. Let it go and face the possibility of small stones escaping into the abdomen which could cause peritonitis.
    2. Let it go and face cancer.
    3. Have the surgery and be well!

    Dear friends took care of my kids, I had the surgery and did beautifully, was back at work PT after 3 wks! They gave me a small plastic container of the stones after the surgery ~ looked like a child had collected rocks and gravel! Really was terrible and so, so many!

    No one likes to have medical procedures done but I honestly recommend that you do this. You will feel 100% better! If you have any questions, please let me know.


    1. Thank you Pat. I appreciate your feedback. So sorry you suffer from GERD. I do know it is minor surgery. I will have an answer in time. xo

  20. P.S. Many people have said they have had to change their diet...not me! The only reasons I have to watch some foods/drinks are because I have GERD and a hiatal hernia. Perhaps it's an individual case regarding diet.

  21. Linda, I'm sorry I can't be more helpful but a friend of mine (a nurse) uses a company in CA to flush her gallstones. I know it involves drinking olive oil and watching her diet. If you are interested, I will be happy to ask her. They wanted to take her gall bladder out but she's been good for at least four years now.

    1. I would be interesting in hearing more Debbie. Thank you.

  22. I am so sorry Linda, after so many health issues, it doesn't seem fair you have to face this...I pray you won't have to suffer further. My sister and my cousin had their gallbladders removed years ago and they haven't had any further issues.

    1. Thanks Jenna. It is somewhat common. The more people comment, I realize how widespread this is. I keep getting tested time and time again.....I will always put up a fight...

  23. I have not experienced this but heard it is extremely painful. Prayers coming your way that this health issue will be resolved soon and you will be feeling better. Hugs

    1. Thank you Karen. So happy to hear you haven't gone through this. I appreciate your caring thoughts and prayers. hugs

  24. Oh dearest Linda, I pray that all goes well for you. I have never experienced this, nor do I know anyone with gallstones. If surgery is needed, I'm sure you'll feel better once is over. Love and prayers to you!

  25. Thank you Kitty. I am so glad you haven't experienced this. Love to you.

  26. Linda, it seems like I've known so many people who've gone through this at one time or another. I hope you get relief without surgery but wouldn't hesitate if you need it.

  27. Hello Linda, I am so sorry to hear about your health issue. I do pray that you feel better and if you need the surgery that it all goes well. Take care.

  28. So sorry to hear about this, Linda. I would imagine you are really tired of problems, but glad you finally got a diagnosis. I have never experienced them myself, but many years ago, my mom had an attack and they operated on her immediately. She was fine afterwards, but I kind of remember her saying there were certain foods she needed to stay away from..Hope you are feeling better..xxoJudy

  29. Oh, Linda... that does not sound like fun... Hoping you are feeling better.


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