Why A Custom Domain Is Needed! | Life and Linda

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Why A Custom Domain Is Needed!

I was asked recently the benefits of owning your own domain name. Most people starting a blog always start with Blogspot.  Easy and best of it is FREE!

The one thing about using Blogspot is the name of your blog is usually long and drawn out.  Example: yourdomain.blogspot.com instead of yourdomain.com

If you have a long name, then it makes it more difficult to share and tell people about it.

Blogspot is a free platform, so spammers tend to target it more.  When you use a custom name for your blog, it does make a better impression and therefore it also takes away the idea that it is a free blog.  Social media users do take bloggers with their own domain name, a bit more serious.

If blogging is something you love and have a passion for, why not take the plunge and get your own domain.  Make it more your blog.

It is quite easy and very inexpensive to get rid of  the Blogspot by your name.

I am not saying to  not use use Blogger.  Keep using Blogger, but get your own domain name.  You cannot beat free hosting.

Branding is important regarding your blog.  Try to stick with your name with all of your social media.  Using a custom domain helps establish your blog as a brand.

You all know I love to decorate, but not just  our home, tablescapes, etc.. I love to decorate blogs, give  bloggers a new blog design, something that will pop!

A clean template that is organized and well perceived.

A custom domain is very affordable.  I use Godaddy. You also get an email address of your domain for free.    Example: name@yourdomain.com. It can be used to forward to your main email address for free.

If you are new to GoDaddy, you can get your domain name for $1.18 for the first year.  I usually recommend buying 2 or 3 years, so you don't have to worry about it for awhile.

I also offer this service to transfer your blog over.  Again, nothing is lost.  All of your posts, content is automatically re-directed.

I always like to share the knowledge I have learned along the way.

Don't forget the Ladies of Thoughts Of Home On Thursday have a Blog Hop going on. I am one of the feature bloggers. I shall be posting on Friday.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. I have a question about this, Linda. When I start my blog, I didn't give any thought to stuff like this. Do I lose my old content? What if I don't like my blog address but like my blog name? I seem to remember that my blog name wasn't available as a domain on blogspot. I'm not sure I'm savvy enough to be able to switch stuff over. I'm afraid I'll mess something up. Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. Thanks for this information. Very helpful to us considering switching.

    1. It is well worth it and so affordable. if you love to blog, why not spend a few dollars on your own chosen name. You are very welcome. i have helped many make the big leap.

  3. Thank you for the information Linda. I started my blog in July and should really consider this very soon. I recall Blogger ask me at some point if I wanted to create my own domain. Will my previous post remain if I switch over?
    Smashing Plates Tablescapes (I'm on of those with a long name)

    1. Catherine, all of your content, posts, comments and everything will not change. Your blog is automatically re-directed to your domain. Easy peasy change and so beneficial. I did check and your blog name is available.

    2. $9.34 for two years is a great deal.

  4. Hi Linda, great info for those that are thinking about a dot com. It's been a few years already since I elected to change mine from blogspot to dot com with your help and it has worked out very well for my blog, business and a clear professional perception. Thank you so much. xo

    1. It was my pleasure to help you Celestina. It has been a while. I am so happy it has made your business more successful and also identify your clear brand.

  5. I'm going to do this and maybe asking for your help. How much do you charge to help someone move their blog to Godaddy?

    1. You will love it. I sent you an email regarding it.

  6. Always interesting info..Thank you Linda.

  7. I would love to have some help in designing my blog. I may check out Go Daddy this week. Thanks for the information.


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