Moms Big Move | Life and Linda

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Moms Big Move

I promised I would share the details on my mom's latest adventure. I have two brothers who reside in southern California. She bought a house close to where one of my brothers live, actually about 4 houses away across the street. Houses are much more affordable there than where we live.

Here is the house she purchased.  She has plans to knock out a wall and install a 5 foot island and also install a bay window in the kitchen for her kitchen table and chairs. As some of you know, my mom had plans to build a cottage on our property.  This is the plan below.  Things have changed!
Mom just turned 87 and she did have two strokes last year.

So, no more spoiling my mom and caring for her.  We live about 8 1/2 hours from where she bought a house.  I will be flying down to visit.

I hope my brother and his wife care for my mom.  I really don't think she is capable of living alone.  I worry about her. My brother still drives a truck and his wife has cancer, with other ailments.  Time for change.

I guess time will tell.  

My husband and myself packed up mom's belonging around the house.  Most of her items are in a large storage.  My brothers are driving up tonight and loading the truck tomorrow.  Tomorrow is mom's final day with us.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Wow Linda I think you mom would do so much better staying with you. You too, such good care and she was never alone. At 87 to be having to care for a home sounds like it might be hard for her. Its too bad she could not go into a very nice assisted living place. They still have independence and a place to themselves but they have someone cooking for them and cleaning and watching over them like you were doing. I too hope that your brothers will watch out for her. I know you will miss her. Praying she will get good care with your brother and SIL. My mom is 87 and lives alone in a senior apartment but there are people always around to look in on her and I am always over there to look in on her. She needs her independence at 87 too but there is no way she could be in a house alone. Hoping you mom will do well in her new home. Looks very pretty.

    1. I agree Kris, but you know families. I hope they take good care of her, since I am not near.

  2. Looks like a very nice home. I do hope she’ll be okay on her own. Crossing my fingers for her!

    1. Thanks Liz, the house is very cute. We shall see how she does.

  3. AnonymousJune 27, 2019

    Good luck to you Mom. She is an inspiration. God Bless her.

  4. I do hope it will work out with your mom living near your brother. It must be so hard with her moving so far away from you! It’s too bad she isn’t going to be living on your property. Good luck to your mom and her move.

    1. I do hope all is well too Julie. Time will tell.

  5. I hope that works out well for your mom. I just moved mine into assisted living and I think she is adjusting very well - the social life there is what she really needed since her stroke last year. It is hard to see them at this stage in life!

    1. Thank you. I have heard assisted living can be quite nice. You can even have your own place. Different levels. My mom refused to even talk about assisted living. Glad to hear your mom is adjusting.

  6. Oh, Linda, there are so many concerns on so many levels for your precious Mom. I know that independence is the hardest thing we will ever have to give up, but it seems that assisted living would be such a perfect situation for her. And, it likely should be there near you. Bless her and bless you. Such a tough time. Hugs and prayers!

  7. Oh, Linda, my sweet friend, so sad for you, your dear Mom is moving so far away... I hope,your brother will take care for her as good as you did!
    Bless her in her new home and bless you for beeing a wonderful daughter!
    Lots of Love, Claudia xo

  8. Best of luck to your Mom. I hope all turns out well for her. I know you will miss her being close by to you.

  9. Oh Linda I know you will miss your mom terribly. I hope she will adjust well to the move. What a lucky mom who's had you by her side. Bless you both.......

  10. What a change of plans is will always know in your heart taht you did everything you could for her♥I have had clients in their 90's..I still have one..who lives alone..but someone goes every day.he is bathed..fed etc..he is a DDa vet..he has told me so many stories through the years..but the last 2 yrs..a big fact I popped in..and it took him a moment to place me:(
    Another would not leave her home until it became way too apparent that that was the end of living alone.

    Hope everything turns out well Linda.You're a stellar daughter.

  11. Oh my goodness Linda, I wish your mom was building her cottage near you, as was planned. Taking on renovations seems like a daunting task. I hope all goes well being near your brother. 8 and 1/2 hours is too far away!

  12. Oh Linda, I feel for you as I've been there, done that. It'll be a big change for everyone. Good luck and may God be with you and your Mom in your new adventures.

  13. Linda, I know you are going to miss your mom. I hope this is the right decision for her. Sounds like a lot of responsibility, not to mention dealing with a remodel. Out of your hands. I wish your mom all the best.

  14. Hope everything turns out well Linda. I enjoyed the flamingo party you hosted for mom! xo

  15. Well, you know how i feel about that. I am so sorry. I know that you took such good care of your mom and made sure she had the best quality of life affordable. A daughter is much better at that than most sons are. I hope and pray that she is okay in her new home. I know your heart is aching. Much love to you, Linda-xo Diana

  16. Linda, I hope your mom will thrive in her new dwelling. I'm sure you have mixed feelings about the move and her distance, so my wish for you is inner peace in knowing you have been a super giving daughter in every sense. xo


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