Pub Table Decked out with Mackenzie Childs | Life and Linda

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Pub Table Decked out with Mackenzie Childs

I set up a fun whimsical table with Mackenzie Childs.  Notice the new rug?
Witchypoo is leaning against the candy tray. I love the candy caldron, so cute and perfect for candy.  We never get trick or treaters, so we end up eating all of the candy....ha ha.

I am writing this post and sharing it now, because our power might be turned off again on Saturday or Sunday.  I have already scheduled the "Love Your Creativity." Link Party for Sunday.  This so ridiculous because it is not windy. It wasn't windy last time wither.  We are definitely checking into generators.

The black and white tall topiaries I purchased a few years back. So glad I did, because they don't offer them any longer.

A darling witch hat of course from Mackenzie Childs.
My new rug.  Winston Porter Jonsson Hand-Hooked Wool Black Area Rug
 I found it at Wayfair.  Goes perfect with Mackenzie Child's Courtly check. 
So, this week hasn't been great. I had a liver ultrasound early Wednesday morning.  My doctor said my liver enzymes have been elevated. Tuesday afternoon, I started getting some killer low back pain. I still have it.  I have been using heating pads and those Therma care heat patches.  On top of that, the power went off.  Sorry to complain, but I am hoping next week is better.

Anyone experiencing that kind of low back pain?

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. I hope your lower back pain clears up soon. Very annoying, I'm sure!

    I love the witch's hat, although that rug is a close second.

    1. Thank you Debra. The table does make me smile. Yes, let’s hope this back thing is temporary. Enjoy the weekend

  2. First off, you're not complaining. You're going through health issues and are concerned and tired. Having MS I get it.

    Sorry you're going through the power thing again.

    Now your display is too cute. The rug couldn't have been a better match. I thought it was MKC at first glance.

    Try to relax.


    1. Thank you Cindy. I love the new rug. This power shutoff thing seems to be a regular thing for the power company.
      I am hanging in there. Thanks for your understanding.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your pain, Linda. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Love the black & white.

  4. Hope you feel better soon. Thank you for sharing yet another fabulous table setting. Linda, you always make everything so special. God Bless.

  5. As usual, so lovely! I'm so sorry about your lower back. I have had low back pain and now see a Chiropractor twice a month to keep it at bay. I haven't had pain in years. So sorry about your electricity and all the horrible fires in CA. What an awful situation.

  6. Oh goodness Linda, I am so sorry you're not feeling well, and to have the power shut off yet again is awful...At least you have this adorable witchy table to keep your spirits up! I love the MKC witch hat and cauldron! And the rug is indeed perfect! I hope you feel better soon...

  7. Very beautiful..this year i didn't get a bit enthusiasm to decorate for Halloween.:( :( :(

  8. I am so sorry that you are not feeling well and the power situation. I hope this will be a better week for you. I love the table decorated so pretty with the McKenzie Child’s Halloween decorations.

  9. Sweet Linda,your HAlloweentable ist so great!Love it!
    Happy Halloween to you,
    Lots of Love, Claudia xoxoxo

  10. Everything here looks adorable! I just love the black and whites. That rug is perfect! You are so creative.
    Hope you get to feeling better.

  11. Kinda, I’m not happy about the enzyme levels. I’ve prayed asking our Lord to protect you. The MackC witchy table is over the top wonderful! Your new rug adds the perfect punch, and the topiaries are the exclamation points!! Feel better soon. CherryKay

  12. Linda, not Kinda. For Pete sake!

  13. Hope your back pain and liver enzymes are ok now since this is an older post. My enzymes were elevated but after double testing and an ultrasound it showed everything was ok. I love MacKenzie-Childs décor items and recently bought a couple of the striped and checked pumpkins. Your decorations look great! Thanks so much for linking up at A Themed Linkup 126 for All Things Halloween. Shared.

  14. CONGRATS Linda! Your post is FEATURED at A Themed Linkup 127 for Winter Crafts and Décor from the previous linkup for All Things Halloween.


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