Lemon With Blue Tablescape | Life and Linda

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Lemon With Blue Tablescape

I thought it's time to set another table.  I was hoping to share our new gate Paul built and the pool towel rack, but the hooks got delayed. The deck off our study makes a perfect spot for dining for two.
The plate stack is lemon cork placemats followed by a large cream, blue and yellow dinner plate and then topped with Le Cadeaux salad plates.

A large lemon topiary is flanked by two small vases of roses.

The tablecloth is from Home Goods and matching napkins

Lemon glasses and blue cobalt goblets tie in with these colors.
I also made a lemon raspberry trifle for Paul's birthday.

Lemon Berry Trifle is made of Lemon pound cake, Lemon Cheesecake filling and then whipped cream.

Madam Butterfly sits nicely on the console outdoor table.
Stay tuned for another Tales of the Traveling Tote on June 1st. and Giveaway.

plus a Summer Tablescape Blog hop on June 7th.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. The short way to my heart? Yellow and blue -- with lovely lemons! Gorgeous, Linda! I love it all! Have a great weekend.

  2. I love the lemon topiary and the yellow roses are so beautiful! I could eat that entire Lemon Berry Trifle by myself! I'd die happy.

  3. Yellow and blue are always a winner, but add in lemons and that takes it up yet another level for me. Lovely, Linda! Happy Birthday to Paul, and you two enjoy a fun weekend.

  4. AnonymousMay 27, 2022

    Oh you know I love lemon! Beautiful table, those dishes are perfect. Love the tablecloth, I can see it being used for several tablescapes! I wish you and Paul a great weekend!

  5. Linda, I love this splash of color for your table. It is fun and I am smitten for yellow and blue. The trifle looks delicious. Enjoy your weekend!

  6. AnonymousMay 28, 2022

    Happy table for a happy birthday...or any day!

  7. Your table is so cheerful, Linda! I hope Paul had a wonderful birthday. I’m sure the lemon raspberry trifle was heavenly.

  8. I love the bold and cheerful colors of your tablescape ~ beautiful!

  9. Beautiful table Linda! It made me smile the instant I saw it and there was no doubt in my mind that it was you who created it! It has your wonderful style written all over it! Happy Birthday to Paul and have a lovely week ahead!

  10. Now that says summer! So cheerful! And the trifle looks delicious!

  11. Bright colors like this are just what the doctor ordered to get the summer off and running!!!!!!! Looking forward to seeing the finished outdoor project when you hooks arrive!


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