National Pollinators Month | Life and Linda

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National Pollinators Month

Welcome to National Pollinators Month. The month of June brings attention to the importance of the relationship between pollinators and plants. Pollinators are insects and animals that transfer pollen from one plant to another. This pollen transfer leads to plants being able to produce fruits, vegetables, and nuts.  Where would we bee without these fabulous pollinators?

Speaking of pollinators, I recently found a swarm of bees below our sand volleyball court in a shrub. Ted, our new neighbors was talking to us about wanting to start bee keeping.  Another neighbor was already set up for bee keeping so Ted called him. Ted, his dad, Mike and Stan arrived with a new box to transfer the hive.

This is our hive I found.

Stan is clipping the branches, getting ready to catch the hive.

The bees are safely in the box. Time to take them to their new home.
Here is some info about how bees find food and also communicate.

Bees in a colony work with each other to gather food. They try to find the most pollen and nectar in the least amount of time possible.

Finding the best flowers
Some flowers have more pollen and nectar than others. When a good flower patch is found, bees recruit other bees from their colony to the patch. But how do they tell those bees where to find the best flowers?

Bees communicate flower location using special dances inside the hive. One bee dances, while other bees watch to learn the directions to a specific flower patch. The dancing bee smells like the flower patch, and also gives the watching bees a taste of the nectar she gathered. Smell and taste helps other bees find the correct flower patch.

Here's an interesting video about the bees "Waggle Dance."

I took this photo of a bee gathering pollen from our Trumpet Vine. According to the National Wildlife Federation, every one in three bites of food you take comes from a pollinated source. Food shortage isn’t the only danger due to a decline in pollinators.

The bees also love the St. John's Wort.

A few  of  my many bee tablescapes.

Buzz on over to Mary's blog- Home is Where the Boat is and check out her wonderful post about National Pollinator Month.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. How exciting to find a swarm of bees on your property Linda! We've talked about taking up bee keeping but need to do some reading and research. Stan is all suited up and protected but it still would make me nervous to disturb them. I bet your neighbor was tickled to be able to collect them. Thank you for sharing and the shout out! Happy Tuesday ♥

  2. That is amazing to find the beehive on your property, Linda, and that your new neighbor can now take up bee keeping.

  3. Holy moly, what a huge swarm of bees you had! Glad a professional was able to come and safely take them to a new home! Bees are so interesting and intriguing. Beautiful too!

  4. This is really fascinating! Another blogger (Erika) started keeping a hive last year and I am so intrigued by all it takes to make it work. I love your photos -- they're excellent!

  5. This is really interesting and thanks for sharing this information about bees with us. What a great find to find that huge bee colony. Have a great week. xoxo

  6. It's wonderful that your neighbor was able to get the beehive off of your property to use. Thanks for sharing this interesting bee information. You decorated pretty bee themed tables Linda.

  7. How neat it was found at your home..And saved and kept!Many would have destroyed it I think:( Very lucky bees..neighbours..and you for making the discovery.

  8. The more the learn about bees, the more amazed I, moving that hive had to be scary! Thanks for sharing your bee knowledge Linda, and I love all your cute bee things!

  9. That was a huge hive..Glad they could be safely transferred..Our pollinators are so important and worth protecting..

  10. Linda, that hive you found is totally fascinating and to see it removed must have been a little frightening. Thanks so much for sharing, bees are so important!

  11. That hive is amazing. It's great that you were able to get it transferred. The fact about the food we eat and pollination is staggering. Thanks for writing about how important bees are to our world!


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