Love Your Creativity Link Party #284 | Life and Linda

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Love Your Creativity Link Party #284

"Love Your Creativity." The place where you can share your latest blog posts.  Just link up at the bottom of this post. You could be featured next week!  Share your home decor ideas, tablescapes, garden,  projects, crafts, recipes, frugal living tips, lifestyle posts and more. The party starts at 12:00 Pacific time.

Counting down until Christmas.  It shall be a quiet one this year.  On December 30th I am having cataract surgery. My husband had both eyes done last year and noticed the colors are so bright and vivid.

At least I will start off the new year with one new eye lens.

 Last week I shared my Christmas tablescape created from the Twelve Days of Christmas. 

I love all of the inspiration. It is difficult to pick the features, because we have so many wonderful posts. There is so much creativity out there. Thank you friends for sharing your lovely posts. Feel free to use this featured button.
* Please share this party link via social media. (Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter) Using the hashtag #LYC
* No need to link back.
*  You can link up 3 posts: Tablescapes, Gardening, Recipes and  Home decor,   Wood work, tutorials, and  more.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Linda, thank you so much for adding my winter hanging decoration to the list of features. Wishing you a beautiful holiday season. Merry Christmas!

  2. The features are so festive for the season, Linda. Thank you for hosting and Merry Christmas to you and Paul. ♥️🎄♥️

  3. Thank you so much Linda and thank you for featuring my New Years Party Food Ideas. Merry Merry Christmas and I know your surgery will go well.

  4. Linda, thanks for featuring my Gingerbread Galore tablescape! Merry Christmas to you!

  5. Linda, your seven swans tablescape is a masterpiece. Thanks so much for having us over. Merry Christmas!!!

  6. Linda, I had cataract surgery four years ago and I felt like I was seeing the most vivid colors ever! Thanks for hosting and wishing you and Paul a Merry Christmas!

  7. Merry Christmas, Linda, and wishing you all the best with your surgery!

  8. Love all of your wonderful features, Linda! Enjoy the holidays and Merry Christmas! Good luck with your cataract surgery. I'm traveling all of February and will have one eye done in March and the other in April. I really need to have the surgery! Everything looks blurry at times.

  9. Linda,
    Merry Christmas!!!
    Thanks so much for hosting!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links!! I hope you are enjoying your week and you are doing well...
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  10. Merry Christmas sweet friend. Wishing you the best with your eye surgery. Love ya. Kris

  11. Linda, Merry Christmas to you and yours! Thanks for a great year of sharing. Melynda @scratchmadefood!

  12. Thanks for hosting, Linda and thanks so much for including my Christmas kitchen post as one of last weeks features. I hope you and your family have a wonderful and blessed Christmas..See you next year..xxoJudy

  13. Merry Christmas Linda. I truly appreciate you for taking the time each week to host this wonderful party! brought brined roast turkey breast, RB’s baked beans AND peanut butter bread. I hope you have a great week.

  14. Such wonderful seasonal features Linda..
    Merry Christmas to you and yours and may 2025 be the best year yet!

  15. Linda quiero desearte desde aquí unas muy Felices Fiestas y un próximo Año lleno de alegría, salud y paz, para ti y toda tu familia. Un beso grande

  16. Merry Christmas, Linda! Best wishes on your upcoming surgery! Thank you for providing this great link up each week... it's been a fun year filled with lots of inspiration!

  17. Beautiful tables, inspiring decor, and delicious food...all to make the holidays festive and bright. Merry Christmas. Karen (Back Road Journal)


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