Irish Kisses and Shamrock Wishes | Life and Linda

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Irish Kisses and Shamrock Wishes

It's almost time to get your green on.  I set a table in honor of St. Patrick's Day in our breakfast room. This year is the traditional green with a wee bit of pink. 

On Sunday I shared about the Keeper Of The Cloth. Marigene had started this sharing in 2011.
 This lovely vintage topper with Shamrocks and Celtic knots was originated from Marigene at In The Middle of Nowhere.  She passed it along to Cuisine Kathleen with the stipulation that the cloth topper would be passed along to another blogger each year.  Then that blogger would create a tablescape with the topper and then pass it to someone else. 

2013 Rett of The Gazebo House was the next recipient after Kathleen.  In 2014, Mary of Home is Where the Boat Is added the darling little leprechaun and he has been traveling with the Shamrock Cloth ever since.

Mary then sent it to Sarah from, Hyacinths for The Soul. Kitty from Kitty's Kozy Kitchen received the topper from Sarah and then it was passed on to Debbie from Mountain Breaths. a next was Jenna from The Painted Apron who passed it to Pam from Everyday Living. Rita from Panoply received it from Pam and then Rita surprised me with the vintage topper in 2021.     I passed it on to Debbie from Debbee's Buzz and then Debbee passed it on to Ann from Corner of Paisley and Plaid.   Kari from Me and My Captain received it next and passed it to the current blogger, Shannon from Belle Bleu Interiors.    
Below are the bloggers who have been blessed with the Keeper of the Cloth.

Pink and white shamrocks grace the Bordallo Pinheiro cabbage dishes with a pink dinner plate and a white charger plate. A clover leaf tablecloth is the perfect backdrop for this fun table topped with a pink and green clover table runner.

Gotta share this cute guy with "Kiss me I'm Irish.
The florals are a mix from Costco sitting in a bright green derby hat.
Are you feeling lucky?
Are you ready to shake your shamrocks?

Here's a look back at my St. Patrick's Day tablescape on our back deck off the study.

I hope you all enjoy the green and celebrate this fun upcoming holiday. Bring on the Corned Beef and Cabbage. May you have all of the happiness and luck in life.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. What a festive table to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Linda! Love the addition of pink at your table from the flowers in your hat, plates and pink shamrocks in your runner. Mr. ‘Kiss Me I’m Irish’ looks fun of mischief. Love that you shared a recap of the history of ‘Keeper of the Cloth’ too. ☘️ 💚 🍀

  2. Linda I adore your Celtic Knot Carolers on your back deck...I remember them from the Debbie's hop. Using your MKC is perfect in your plate stack. Have a wonderful week. 💚☘️

  3. A lovely festive table! "Shake your shamrocks" indeed!


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