Love Your Creativity Link Party #294 | Life and Linda

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Love Your Creativity Link Party #294

"Love Your Creativity." The place where you can share your latest blog posts.  Just link up at the bottom of this post. You could be featured next week!  Share your home decor ideas, tablescapes, garden,  projects, crafts, recipes, frugal living tips, lifestyle posts and more. The party starts at 12:00 Pacific time.

We have had good weather all week until today. It started raining last night. We need the rain, so I am not complaining. 

Mardi Gras is  Tuesday March 4th.  Do you celebrate? Paul and I visited our friends Bryan and Neal at their Pensacola home in 2018 and then the four of traveled to New Orleans with Miss Lola in hand. We had a lovely time visiting this charming city.  Great food and lots of activities and of course beads.

Here's a little Mardi Gras celebration I created a few years ago. Last week I shared
Leave a comment on Patti's blog, Pandora's Box for a chance to win this Mackenzie Childs eyeglass case.

I love all of the inspiration. It is difficult to pick the features, because we have so many wonderful posts. There is so much creativity out there. Thank you friends for sharing your lovely posts. Feel free to use this featured button.
* Please share this party link via social media. (Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter) Using the hashtag #LYC
* No need to link back.
*  You can link up 3 posts: Tablescapes, Gardening, Recipes and  Home decor,   Wood work, tutorials, and  more.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Linda, happy March! We've been enjoying the warmer temperatures. I'm ready for spring! I hope all is well, and I enjoyed your traveling tote post. Have a great week!

  2. Loving the yummy recipes. Happy fresh week...closer to Spring!

  3. Your table is gorgeous and you've certainly been having fun! Thanks so much for hosting!

  4. Thank you Linda for hosting - your visit looks like a wonderful time! So fun to travel with friends! Spring is definitely making its appearance in our hearts! Blessings to you :)

  5. Thank you for hosting your party, lovely Linda. We’ve had some nice weather too and hopefully some rain tonight have a great week!

  6. Thanks for having us over, Linda. Have a fun Mardi Gras; your table is amazing!

  7. Thanks for the party, Linda! Happy March!

  8. The only think I do to mark Fat Tuesday is eat pancakes. I think I'll make a Dutch Baby this year.

  9. Linda, I'm thrilled you included my tea and gardens post among your features! Thank you! New Orleans is a fun trip to make, though I've never been there for Mardi Gras. But your table transports to NOLA.

  10. I am delighted to see my Lovin' Lavender bathroom included in your features this week......Thank you!

  11. Another GREAT party - As always THANK YOU for hosting. I brought BACON CHEESEBURGER BALLS, PEASANT STEW and BAKED SWEET CORN to the party. I hope you have a FANTASTIC week.


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