The Tales of The Traveling Tote #42 | Life and Linda

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The Tales of The Traveling Tote #42

Welcome to another adventure of  The Tales of the Traveling Tote.  We are a group of women who share our adventures with our named  Mackenzie Child's tote whether far or near. Since Paul and I haven't really traveled, we decided to visit some local places.

Christmas decorating with one of my totes.
Every Christmas I visit Pottery World to see their fabulous decorations,  Of course I have to sneak in a photo of the huge bear greeting shoppers. Miss Lola loves the attention.
Pottery World's Christmas decor is over the top.  So gorgeous.

For Christmas Paul had gifted me this darling pink fur onesie. Below is the video I created with my hummingbirds.  They stay here year round.


In January Paul, my son Jason, his dog plus Jain and Scott hiked through Hidden Falls.
There was a beautiful waterfall.  You can ride horses through there and also electric bikes.
Jain and Scott also brought their two border collies along.
Hidden Falls
The falls were so beautiful with plenty of rushing water. Below is a video of the falls.

Lovely ferns growing near the water.
Miss Tootsie and I on our hike.  Miss Lola is way too large to bring along.

Jason, his dog, Daisy and Paul and I.

Scott and Rosie.
My son Jason and Dasiy.
The daffodils are blooming.  I am ready for spring. This week has been lovely with temps around 70.
I did some weed eating and garden clean-up.

I hope you visit the other traveling tote gals to see where their travels took them.
Be sure to leave a comment on Pandora's Box for a chance to win this Mackenzie Childs eyeglass case.

The Traveling Tote gal's links

Debbie with Miss Aurora @Mountain Breaths
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box
Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home
Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Bookish Dilettante

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Good morning, and Happy March, Linda! Don't you love that little crossbody? I use mine quite a bit. Cute name, Tootsie. Love the hike you took to Hidden Falls, it reminds me of places in WV. So, Jason has multiple fur babies. I'm glad he still has Daisy since his Raider crossed the rainbow bridge. Like you, we didnt travel this last quarter. I sometimes forget photos too, a sign of what, dare I say aging? Send the hummingbirds our way! It'll be mid-April or later before we see them.

  2. Good morning Linda, Fun shopping and hiking with beautiful scenery. I’m so envious of your year ‘round hummers! I can’t get over the numbers of them. It’s a full-time job to keep your feeders clean and filled with those numbers! Our Ruby-throats arrive around mid-April but we don’t see a lot activity around our feeders until August when they start feeding in preparation for migrating. They’re way too territorial too to share feeders like that, Happy March!

  3. Miss Lola sure gets around! I love the Pottery Bear, the Pink Onesie, and Miss Lola among the daffodils!


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